I have been playing around with the macros for a few days now trying to get everything working. I am close, but figure one of the experts here could help me get this final thing figured out!
Here is what I have:
C1: MS14A Motion Sensor
A1: LM14A two way lamp module
A2: LM14A two way lamp module
A3: WS467 Wall switch
Monitored House Code: A
I have the motion sensor (C1) set up as the trigger. From dusk until 10:00pm I want A1, A2, and A3 to come on to 100% when C1 is triggered, wait 1:30:00 and turn off. I made this Macro for that:
This is working fine so far.....but I wanted to add another macro so that from 10:01pm until dawn the same C1 trigger turns on A2 to 57% and A3 to 59%, waits 7 minutes then turns off. When testing through AHP and the motion sensor itself A2 turns on to 57% but A3 does nothing at all. Here is that macro:
Any idea why that A3 light won't do anything?
Last, what I would really like to do, so any suggestions welcome......instead of saying at 10:01pm then macro activates is there a way I can have a switch or code that tells the system when I'm going to bed? That time changes every night so would be nice to have something set up to hit a button on a wall switch or through active phone to tell the first macro to stop working and activate the second or "night time" macro. Hope that makes sense.
Thanks for any help!