Hi all,
I have some x10 going in my house in the way of plugin lamp units, outlets, a switch, a box to join the two legs of the power box and a timer/clock to control it all.
In my mom's house, she lives alone since my dad passed away and when she goes out at nite, we are running up there to turn her outside lights on before she gets home so it's not dark there. What I'd like to do is install a system whereby she can hit a remote when she's coming down the road to turn the lights on. 3 sets of lights... an inside light in the kitchen controlled by a single switch; 2 driveway lights controlled by another single switch and a set of garage lights controlled by a 3rd single switch. Basically, I'm thinking I'd just install 3 switches in place of the existing, all set to the same code, and then possibly a coupler for the power box to join the two legs but my question is how to control things.
Ideally, I'd like her to be able to turn things on remotely further out than the bottom of the driveway (which is about 225 feet long) but I'm open to options.
Can anyone help me with what my options are and range, etc.
thanks in advance!