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Author Topic: Universal Home Automation iPhone App  (Read 14474 times)


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Universal Home Automation iPhone App
« on: December 08, 2010, 02:08:19 PM »

Hey all,

found an amazing iPhone app that will work with almost any home automation system.

Right now I am using it with LIRC (Linux IR Remote Control) and a USB-UIRT to control A/V devices, and Heyu to control X10 devices.

This app would also work with ActiveHome!

The reason this app works is because you can add any number of controllers, each having it's own communication protocol.

This app supports TCP, TCP no response, UDP, HTTP, and HTTPS communications with your server, or standalone wifi device (such as a Logitech SquezeBox)

In my setup I have LIRC and Heyu running on the same server, listening on the same TCP port but I setup two different controllers in the app for each because you can setup default commands: "heyu $CMD $DEV" or "irsend SEND_ONCE $DEV $CMD" (which you can override if necessary).

It will work with ActiveHome because it can send URLs you specify tied to each button according to the protocol in this post:

Also, You don't have to download some GUI editor that runs on Windows ( a pain if you use Linux ), you can create and edit these remotes directly in the app!

The App is called Mote:

Here are some screenshots of some remotes i've created:

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