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Author Topic: False alarm multiple times in last few weeks DS7000  (Read 9048 times)


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False alarm multiple times in last few weeks DS7000
« on: January 12, 2011, 04:56:15 PM »

I have few MS10A, few DS10A and few PH508 connected. Since last few weeks the alarm have been going on in the middle of the night. We trigger home away to arm everything so sometime its because of the motion sensor and sometime its the doors. Can't figure out exactly what it is? I have changed all the batteries also but don't know what it is?

On the other note Vonage works perfect with my system.


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Re: False alarm multiple times in last few weeks DS7000
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2011, 05:23:43 PM »

For a test, set it to armed - home and see if you still get the false alarms. If not then look at the motion sensors. If you do then look at the door/window sensors.

Also, make sure the distance between the door sensors are close enough. I had a door move just enough in high winds to trigger the alarm (also the cats scratching at the door). Making the mag sensors closer and better aligned solved that.


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Re: False alarm multiple times in last few weeks DS7000
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2011, 07:09:51 PM »

I have had the same setup for almost more than a yr

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Re: False alarm multiple times in last few weeks DS7000
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2011, 07:46:01 PM »

I have had the same setup for almost more than a yr

If things changed.... likely something has been changed.

Maybe a new set of curtains blows to where a MS10A can see them when the heat comes on. Or after the Christmas tree was taken down... the furniture was moved to where DS10A can see a register that warms up after running for some time. Or a DS10A can now see a cat or dog that jumps onto a chair in a new location..... 
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Re: False alarm multiple times in last few weeks DS7000
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2011, 07:12:04 AM »

Ahhhhh, i am glad to see it isn't just me :). To be honest, one of the resins i did my logging script was because the sensors in my house were going off randomly (or so I though) and the logger was a was to find the culprit :)

In my case, it was a combination of a few things - a DS10A, an energy efficient weather seal, my kids, and the furnace.

See, at seemingly random times at night, the door shims would go off, and i could never pin down why.  Figured it out, but it's a series of events.  Long story short, if the kids don't close the door from the laundry room to the garage all the way, the DS10A will still close, and the door will register as closed.  But if they don't get the latch fully seated, due to the weather stripping, AnD they close the laundry room door, when the heat kicks on, it is sometimes enough to push the door ever so slightly to change the state of the contact, and trigger the chime...

The thing here that changed was my girlfriend was tired of seeing the kids coats and stuff in the hall, so she started hanging them in the laundry room, and started closing the door more often - wala, triggered more often...  Even the stupidest things can cause changes I guess...

dave w

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Re: False alarm multiple times in last few weeks DS7000
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2011, 09:53:56 AM »

Can't figure out exactly what it is? I have changed all the batteries also but don't know what it is?
This dove tails with orcusomega mysterious triggers.

I have an indoor motion sensor in the bedroom that will periodically trigger in the winter. I believe it was caused by heat rising from a floor mounted register located near motion sensor. 
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Re: False alarm multiple times in last few weeks DS7000
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2011, 04:39:58 PM »

When a friend of a friend got robbed... it was too close to home for my wife. So she requested we set the alarm even if the both of us were leaving for just a short while. Interestingly about half of the time the alarm didn't want to set. The console showed motion on one MS10A. It didn't take me long to realize that my wife didn't feel compelled to turn off her computer when making these short trips.

In my case... it wasn't even a tangable that changed... it was only a process. But it was a change never-the-less. In my case I moved the MS10A so as it can't see the computer.
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Re: False alarm multiple times in last few weeks DS7000
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2011, 05:07:17 PM »

When a friend of a friend got robbed... it was too close to home for my wife. So she requested we set the alarm even if the both of us were leaving for just a short while. Interestingly about half of the time the alarm didn't want to set. The console showed motion on one MS10A. It didn't take me long to realize that my wife didn't feel compelled to turn off her computer when making these short trips.

In my case... it wasn't even a tangable that changed... it was only a process. But it was a change never-the-less. In my case I moved the MS10A so as it can't see the computer.
Interesting, I would have thought the heat rise off the computer would have been consistent enough that the MS10 would not have seen any change. I have to write this down in my book of "Things to be Remembered" (I'm on volume 16 now).
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Re: False alarm multiple times in last few weeks DS7000
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2011, 12:46:03 AM »

Interesting, I would have thought the heat rise off the computer would have been consistent enough that the MS10 would not have seen any change. I have to write this down in my book of "Things to be Remembered" (I'm on volume 16 now).
A lot of them let the heat get to a certain temperature before pushing the fans into a higher speed (laptops typically do this the most). The temperature would then certainly change over time.
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Re: False alarm multiple times in last few weeks DS7000
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2011, 06:13:16 PM »

Interesting, I would have thought the heat rise off the computer would have been consistent enough that the MS10 would not have seen any change. I have to write this down in my book of "Things to be Remembered" (I'm on volume 16 now).
A lot of them let the heat get to a certain temperature before pushing the fans into a higher speed (laptops typically do this the most). The temperature would then certainly change over time.
Didn't even think of that. You are right! Thanks.
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Re: False alarm multiple times in last few weeks DS7000
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2011, 05:19:51 PM »

Try to completely avoid pointing the motion sensors towards heat sources and windows they can often trigger false alarms.

Tom j.
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