You guy's are better at this than me. I'm the newbie learning
I first found I had to cover the sensor when working/testing.
First try;
With D1 trace cut and a 10k Resister soldered to left half, I found if the other end of resister was closed to ground
the sensor activated and ran as normal.
I went with, D1 trace cut, 10k to left half, 1M to that and then to ground. Switch soldered to 'junction point' of resisters and to 3v +
To get this working I have to set the sensor to 'Only when it's Dark, and DOES turn Unit +1 on'
So the test lamp on work bench is set to G2
Note: I found with the thin gauge wire I used, I had to separate molded together leads to the switch or it wouldn't work.
Here's my contraption.
Don't laugh to hard. Kinda chunky Didn't put alot of effort into the packaging Just went with what the Shack had for now
Next road trip I'll hunt down a smaller scale project box. This is going in the Garage so...