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Author Topic: Rats chewed all the wires while in storage!  (Read 6816 times)


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Rats chewed all the wires while in storage!
« on: March 21, 2011, 03:45:06 PM »

I had a set of 3 of the SC16A cameras in a storage shed outside and these rat bastards (rats) chewed through all sorts of wires. Are there any specs or wiring diagrams out there for these camera systems so I can hack them back together in a working fashion??

Thanks in advance!

[edit: I found the post at which gives the wiring details for the camera. But I also have wire chewed through on power supplies like the XM14A, XM17A, a camera motor/motion device w/out a model #, and a wire on a camera (XC18A) attached to a ZB10A battery pack (the power wire on the battery pack is also chewed through after the wire couples.)

I'll post some pictures. Maybe that will help.]

« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 04:48:51 PM by g1mike »


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Re: Rats chewed all the wires while in storage!
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2011, 07:32:20 AM »

The video receivers' power supply have the white stripe on one wire so you should be ok there. Did you peel back any outer covering on the other devices? Sometimes the inner wires are colour coded.
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