I have also been developing some Arduino-compatible boards and plan several that are Home Automation related (X10 PLC, X10 IR/RF, non-X10 IR/RF, Insteon, UPB, etc.) allowing users to build a modular system to fit their specific needs.
Ok, this will take me some time to absorb. Looks these boards will give a lot of analog and digital I/O.
I was thinking of using Phidgets USB I/O boards for analog I/O but have not gotten around to doing anything. Chumby Linux includes phidgets kernel drivers.
http://www.phidgets.com/products.php?category=0Can you do network time & email? I was planning the ethernet shields for those plus a web server.
Chumby runs NTP for its date/time. There is a simple SMTP mail sender built-in. Looks like a subset of sendmail. Busybox includes a simple web server (static pages and CGI). If a more powerful webserver is needed, people have built lighttpd and run it from a USB Flash drive.
http://wiki.chumby.com/index.php/Chumby_as_a_web_serverAlso, can it do WPA security?
Yes, I am running WPA2 PSK AES. People also use USB Ethernet for higher speed and more reliability. USB Ethernet dongles based on the AX88772 chipset are recommended. I like to give servers a static IP and not have it depend on a DHCP server and/or WiFi router just to boot up.
I have a Chumby One so my comments may not be correct on other Chumby devices esp. the older ones.
The Chumby hacker board costs almost as a Chumby One but is an eval board so no case, LCD, touchscreen, Wifi, or power supply. However, it brings a lot of pins and ports to connectors which are not available on the regular Chumby. I wish it included Ethernet on board. Not sure if this makes any sense for your plans.
http://www.adafruit.com/products/278The following link is a project interfacing a Chumby to an Arduino and a soil moisture sensor. Would the Zarduino boards be used like this? It is still unclear to me how all the pieces fit together especially when UPB and Insteon are thrown in to the discussion.