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Author Topic: Help with macro...pretty simple I'm sure!  (Read 8642 times)


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Help with macro...pretty simple I'm sure!
« on: May 16, 2011, 08:59:53 PM »

I have made quite a few different macros for lights upstairs and outside of my house.  For some reason I'm having trouble getting one to work for my laundry room!

Here is what I currently have going:

MS14A motion sensor set to A6 (dusk/dawn turned off.....opened motion sensor and put electrical tape over the light sensor as well)
socket rocket and light switch set to A6

I have the MS14A set to send the off command after 3 minutes of no activity.  It works great this way for the most part, but sometimes at any given random time it will turn on my A7 light in the basement and it just stays I will come home and have had this big light on all day.  Drives me nuts!

So....what I want to do is create a macro that will turn on A6 when motion is detected and "reset" the timer or whatever each time motion is detected....then after 3 minutes turn off A6.  For some reason I just can't seem to get this to work correctly with a macro. 

Any ideas on the macro? or a work around besides getting a different motion sensor or changing the codes (have all my house codes used up so can't just skip A7)?

Thanks in advance for any advice offered!
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 09:07:13 PM by vdubguy2k »


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Re: Help with macro...pretty simple I'm sure!
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2011, 11:18:37 AM »

Can't be done with a Macro, period.  I've just gone through this with my outdoor motion sensor setup and came up with an alternative solution.

Anyway, that's not really applicable here because there is a very simple solution.  Use the built-in delay on the MS14A.  I'm only familiar with the MS16A, but yours should work the same AFAIK.  Set it up so that you have a 4 minute delay and move on.  The sensor will turn on the light when motion is first sensed and keep it on for 4 minutes after the last sensed motion.  All you have to do is set the motion sensor for the same HU code as the light you want to control.


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Re: Help with macro...pretty simple I'm sure!
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2011, 11:49:10 AM »

The issue most user stumble with is the Motion sensor can't be the same address as the devices you wish to control in a macro!
Since vdubguy2k you have all 256 you'll have to reexamine your setup to free up some housecode/unit codes.
Once you do that you can create a macro to turn on A6
you'll need another macro to turn off A6
Since the motion sensor has no way of receiving a command the timer in side it can't be reset.
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Re: Help with macro...pretty simple I'm sure!
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2011, 12:16:21 PM »

Here is what I currently have going:
MS14A motion sensor set to A6 (dusk/dawn turned off.....opened motion sensor and put electrical tape over the light sensor as well)
socket rocket and light switch set to A6

I have the MS14A set to send the off command after 3 minutes of no activity.  It works great this way for the most part, but sometimes at any given random time it will turn on my A7 light in the basement and it just stays I will come home and have had this big light on all day.  Drives me nuts!

Before I fix things... I really like to know what's broken.

For some reason your getting:
(A) An unexpected and random A7 on command on your powerline.
(B) An A7 sent from your MS14A. Which would mean ether the dusk/dawn isn't turn off, the tape has come loose, or the unit is defective.

I'd first look at the macros you already have created and your CM15A's activity log. I've had a similar experience myself.. and found that an incorrect or additional powerline address (like A7) had been placed in a macro. If that A7 is being used, the problem may be from it's macro use... and NOT related to the modified motion sensor.

OR... your MS14A might be malfunctioning. Could the random light not actually be so random as trigger by the light going out on A6. Causing the sensor to see the darkness/dusk. I know you wrote it's turn off and taped. But you could check it with a bright flashlight.

There is also a chance of a misinterpreted command. A command (any command) that the socket rocket set to A7 misinterprets as an A7 ON. Even though it could be anything else. You can check this by setting any other socketrocket to A7.
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Re: Help with macro...pretty simple I'm sure!
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2011, 12:40:25 PM »

One other thing to add to Dave's post.
Check the motion sensors batteries.
I have seen these send some off the wall on/off codes when the batteries are getting weak. ::) :'
Once the batteries have died the unit resets to A1 but I've had them send on and off commands to the next unit up/down even different house codes. ::) :'
Always try to change your batteries at least once a year and twice if in a high traffic area.
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Re: Help with macro...pretty simple I'm sure!
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2011, 10:27:22 AM »

Thank you for the replies and advice all!  I tried the suggestions and am still getting the same issue with A7 turning on as soon as A6 (motion sensor) turns off.  I set the delay to 1 minute and tested it over and over again so it's obvious to me what is causing the issue.  I think I'm just going to change the light on A7 to something else and leave that address blank so it doesn't cause any issues!

Just another thought.....not sure how this works so I'll throw it out there.  My monitored house code is "A".  I'm only using this particular motion sensor for the laundry room.  Can I set the motion sensor to say B6 and the two lights (socket rocket and a wall switch) to B6 as well?  Will it still receive and send the correct commands to turn those lights on and off or do they have to be on the monitored house code to do that?

Thanks again!

dave w

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Re: Help with macro...pretty simple I'm sure!
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2011, 10:49:20 AM »

Thank you for the replies and advice all!  I tried the suggestions and am still getting the same issue with A7 turning on as soon as A6 (motion sensor) turns off.  I set the delay to 1 minute and tested it over and over again so it's obvious to me what is causing the issue.  I think I'm just going to change the light on A7 to something else and leave that address blank so it doesn't cause any issues!

Just another thought.....not sure how this works so I'll throw it out there.  My monitored house code is "A".  I'm only using this particular motion sensor for the laundry room.  Can I set the motion sensor to say B6 and the two lights (socket rocket and a wall switch) to B6 as well?  Will it still receive and send the correct commands to turn those lights on and off or do they have to be on the monitored house code to do that?

Thanks again!
AFA the A7 issue. You might try rotating the HCUC dials on the A7 light, also check the batteries in the motion detector. When the motion detector transmits it draws more current causing battery voltage to sag if the batteries are weak. The batteries may still have enough current to keep from defaulting to HCUC "A1" which is usually what happens. Also do not use carbon zinc batteries, only alkaline.

If MS and SR/WS are all set to same B6 the MS will control the lights directly (the OFF command will now be what ever MS timer is set for). So any conditionals in your macro will be lost, but will work otherwise.
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Re: Help with macro...pretty simple I'm sure!
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2011, 11:16:33 AM »

Is the A6 light shining on the Motion Sensor?

One thing many folks forget is motion sensors have a dusk dawn sensor in them also. It is on the next highest Unit Code. So when the light from A6 goes off the dusk dawn sensor see the darkness and sends an A7 on.

You can't disable the Dusk Dawn sensor in a MS14A like you can in a MS16A. Did you by chance put some electrical tape over the light sensor to disable it?
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 11:21:36 AM by Brian H »

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Re: Help with macro...pretty simple I'm sure!
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2011, 03:40:14 PM »

I use this macro for all my rooms. It works like a champ!

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