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Author Topic: misting timer  (Read 6648 times)


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misting timer
« on: July 24, 2011, 12:56:55 AM »

Hi All,
     I purchased the X-10 with macros to run my plant misting system. What I need I thought was very easy but after several weeks of working on it I'm not so sure.

I have the simple light relay that I can turn off and on. I have plugged the transformer for my solenoid into this. The idea is that then the light gets turned on the solenoid open and when it gets turned off the solenoid closes. Pretty easy I figured. Here is the issue...

I need the light fixture to turn on for 7 seconds every five minutes during the day light hours.

I have programed it several ways and cant get it to work. I have used conditions and flags. Neither one worked. Both would get the light to turn  on but it would never trip the next macro that would turn it off and reset it to be turned back on.

ANY IDEAS would be greatly appreciated





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Re: misting timer
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2011, 10:58:50 PM »

OK Wayne,

1st question:  What's the model number on the Light relay unit?

That being aside,  I'd set up a phantom module with a timer during the daylight hours (let's say, for example, A1).  Lets put the light module on address A2.

Set up a macro that activates on address A1 that sets flag 1 when the module turns on, and another that clears flag 1 when the module turns off.  This takes care of establishing daylight hours.

Next, I'd set up a macro on address A3 which has a condition that Flag 1 is set.  In this macro A2 fires for 5 seconds then shuts off. Then I'd set a delay for 5 minutes and fires address A3 again.  Warning: looping macros can cause problems, and need to be purged to stop the process.  Next assign a timer to the macro on A3 that starts this thing in the morning.

This should be a good start, but can't rule out that there might be a gremlin in the works. 

I hope that others will chime in.
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Re: misting timer
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2011, 07:10:37 AM »

Another way to do it would be to set a timer on the macro, to run it every five minutes, during ALL of the hours that might be daylight (ex: 5 am to 9 pm - no need to run it when you know it will NEVER be light).
THEN, the macro should be conditional that if it is daylight, turn the mister on, wait 7 seconds, turn it off.
It is a pain to set the timer to run every 5 minutes (takes some patience to set up that many timer instances - I've done it!), but it would be better than nesting the macros, because there is no loop to break out it.
You can sue the dusk-dawn dummy module with a flag to be your condition if you want.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2011, 07:12:09 AM by Noam »

HA Dave

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Re: misting timer
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2011, 12:02:41 PM »

Another way to do it would be to set a timer on the macro, to run it every five minutes, during ALL of the hours that might be daylight....................... it would be better than nesting the macros, because there is no loop to break out it.
You can sue the dusk-dawn dummy module with a flag to be your condition if you want.

Instead of using a flag......  a monitored house/unit (even a dummy) could be used. This would then allow for a stop/start even with the looping macro, and even a restart (macro) in case of a power failure.
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Re: misting timer
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2011, 04:38:09 PM »

Thank You Very Much for Your Help.

On July 28, 2011 I had the first successful run using the x10 for a water control in my misting greenhouse. It works very nicely.

After trying all your suggestion I came to the realization the computer had sequentially addressed the macros. Once I gave them all the same address things started coming online.

Thank You all for your input

God Bless You

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