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Author Topic: macro with timer fails  (Read 9970 times)


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macro with timer fails
« on: July 31, 2011, 01:15:22 AM »

System - XP Pro SP3
AHP 3.316

HC A is the monitored HC

Execution from the CM15A NOT the PC..

The Macros associate with HC A are phantom devices.

HC B are the real modules.


Macro with a Timer that activates the ON macro at 19:00 (24 hour format) hours.

Trigger: A5 ON and Flag Status 8 ON
Action:  Turn B5 On

Macro with timer that activates the OFF macro at 22:30 (24 hour format) hours.

Trigger: A5 OFF and Flag Status 8 ON
Action: Turn B5 off

Status report shows Flag 8 is ON and the activity report
shows: 19:00 PM Macro A5 (timed B5 ON)
          19:00 PM A On (timed B5 ON)

So we see A5 ON at the appropriate time but B5 ON does not occur.

If I create an RF event: A5 ON, the correct action occurs.
ie   xx:xx:00 PM Macro A5 (timed B5 ON)
     xx:xx:00 PM A On (timed B5 ON)
     xx:xx:00 PM B5
     xx:xx:00 PM B ON

It would appear that the timer does not cause execution of the action part of the macro.
The OFF event fails the same way on timer, but works with RF.

Another anomaly I found is the data in the Status report:

It reports the flags correctly, but it never shows the Addressed Units correctly
and Monitored House Code Status is always OFF.

I did a pretty thorough search thru the forums and did not find a solution. I also wonder if I have a
defective CM15A.

(One thing I think is a bug here --- In 24 hour time format you should be able to enter
the time WITHOUT a colon, the colon should only be necessary in 12 hour time format.)

Sorry for the long post, but any help would be appreciated.

« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 11:57:03 AM by mrmopar »


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Re: macro with timer fails
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2011, 04:07:31 PM »

Ok, let's see if we can track down the problem.
First, a few questions to help me understand the issue better:

1. What type of module (model number) do you have on B5?
2. How do you have it defined in AHP (Module type and module selected)?
3. Do you have any other modules defined on A5?
4. Do you have any other modules (on other housecode/unitcodes) that have a timer trigger at the same times (7:00 PM and 10:30 PM)?

Try setting your "Transcieved House Code" to "Specific," and select "A". Download to the CM15A and try again.

If you manually run the macro from AHP, I assume it turns B5 on or off, right? (manually clicking on the macro in AHP ignores the condition, so it SHOULD execute.

You said you created an RF event. Did you use an RF remote for that, or did you create another macro to do that?

Have you tried clearing the CM15A, re-downloading, and trying again?

Have you tried a full reset of the CM15A? This is done by unplugging it from the wall, and from the USB, removing the batteries, and waiting a few minutes. then, replace the batteries, plug it back in, open AHP and re-download the programming.

Another thing to try would be to reverse the logic - if the flag is OFF, turn the light no, otherwise do nothing. See if that behaves any differently.

Can you post a screen shot of the macro condition screen? One of us might notice something.


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Re: macro with timer fails
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2011, 06:08:56 PM »

1. B5 is an AM466 appliance module
2. There are no modules defined - ONLY macros, the macro at A5 issues an "APPLIANCE CONTROL ON" to device B5
3. That being the case in 2 - there are no modules defined on A5 - only the timed conditional macros
4. The A5 macro is the only one timed to execute at 7:00 PM, there is a separate timed conditional macro for A5 off at 10:30 PM

The transceived house code is set "Specific" to "A, B, and C"

I created an RF event on A5 from a HR12A Palm Pad. In that case, if FLAG 8 was off, the module at B5 did not
turn on. If FLAG 8 was ON the module at B5 turned on.

I have cleared the CM15A using several different methods. Clear events and download, clear events - unplug from
wall - remove battery - wait some (5 or so) minutes - plug in, connect, and download again.

OK - for how this is supposed to work from my perspective and why I have A, B, and C...

All on A are timed conditional (flag 8 set) macros. This allows me to disable timed events by toggling
Flag 8 by sending an RF event to A16 (ON/OFF). Each macro on A (except 16) issues either an APPLIANCE ON (or OFF),
or an EXTENDED CODE 31-3F or 31-00 to the associated device on HC "B".

There are no macros for HC B but I transceive B so I have direct access from my remote.

The macros on HC "C" are to allow the RF remote to activate soft start devices with extended codes to
bypass the soft start. They have no conditions and issue either and APPLIANCE ON (or OFF) or and
EXTENDED CODE 31-3F or 31-00.

Ill try reversing to logic to see what happens.

There are no macros on the "B" HC. That allows me to turn on some of the devices that are soft start
in the soft start mode.


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Re: macro with timer fails
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2011, 06:38:34 PM »

I reversed the flag logic - no help - the action is the reverse (as would be expected) of what
was originally coded.

I also created a separate macro on D5 to create an A5 ON event - that was no help either.


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Re: macro with timer fails
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2011, 08:29:24 PM »

So if I understand you correctly, you don't have module B5 defined in your AHP?
Try adding it as an appliance module, and changing the macro to call it, instead of sending the generic "appliance control" command.

I can't tell if you are trying to call one macro from another at some point or not.
If you are, you need to do the workaround of defining a "dummy" appliance module on the same housecode/unitcode of the macro you are trying to call.


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Re: macro with timer fails
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2011, 11:52:58 AM »

In no case do any of my macro's call another macro.

Adding a "Appliance Module" on B5, and calling it, did not fix the problem.

Further info - there are actually 5 devices (1,3,4,5,6) that all have the same macro structure (aside from using different UCs) and they all fail the same way. I just used the A5 macro as an example of the failure.

My bad for not saying that.

Can I assume (not a good word) that the CM15A only keeps track of the status of modules and flags on ITS HC. I would
infer that from the fact that the Status Report only show status for the "MONITORED" HC.

Which brings up one more point - the Status Report appears to show the "FLAGS" correctly, but does not show the
correct "Monitored HC Status" - IE right now it shows all 16 as on (GREEN) but I issued an ALL OFF before looking at the status. Which still makes me wonder if the CM15A is defective.


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Re: macro with timer fails
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2011, 04:29:39 PM »

Can I assume (not a good word) that the CM15A only keeps track of the status of modules and flags on ITS HC. I would
infer that from the fact that the Status Report only show status for the "MONITORED" HC.
Yes. The CM15A only tracks status of one housecode at a time, as well as the 16 flags (if you have the SmartMacros plugin).
However, it only can track status that it knows about. So, if you turn on or off a device manually (at the switch), unless that switch is two-way (transmits its status back to the CM15A - which none of the current ones X10 makes do AFAIK), then the CM15A won't know about it.

Which brings up one more point - the Status Report appears to show the "FLAGS" correctly, but does not show the
correct "Monitored HC Status" - IE right now it shows all 16 as on (GREEN) but I issued an ALL OFF before looking at the status. Which still makes me wonder if the CM15A is defective.

When you go into AHP, and into Tools--> Hardware Configuration, which HouseCode is set in the drop-down?
What is the "Transcieved House Codes" option set to ("None," Specific," or "Auto")?

By default, AHP will choose to monitor the HouseCode with the largest number of modules on it. If you want to set a different one, you need to make sure that is set in the Hardware configuration screen.
The option to check or not is located under Tools--> Preferences. However, I think the logic might be backward. If you uncheck the "Check Monitored Housecode Usage" box, I think it AUTOMATICALLY changes it to the one with the most modules. I think leaving it checked asks you if you want to change it every time you exit.
The workaround I have (since I have a housecode with more modules than the one I want to monitor) is to create a bunch of "dummy" modules on the housecode I want to monitor, and set them all to the same unit code.
It counts the number of modules, not the number of unit codes in use. (silly, I know - I should ask the developers about that one sometime).


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Re: macro with timer fails
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2011, 05:23:48 PM »

I have mine set to A, and it does give me that message "do you want to change it", every time I download.

Tranceived is set to "Specific" and A,B,C are checked.

I even put a phantom module on "A" and turned it on, but the Status report never reflects that. I recognize that
the CM15A could not know about manual operations at the switch itself since its not 2 way as you point out.


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Re: macro with timer fails
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2011, 06:29:44 PM »

I have mine set to A, and it does give me that message "do you want to change it", every time I download.
So you are tracking the status of the macros, and not the modules?

Tranceived is set to "Specific" and A,B,C are checked.
That sounds correct to me.

I even put a phantom module on "A" and turned it on, but the Status report never reflects that. I recognize that
the CM15A could not know about manual operations at the switch itself since its not 2 way as you point out.
You are opening the Status Report AFTER you turn the module on (and not just hitting "refresh" in your browser), right?
When you open it through the menu (or press "F3"), it generates a static HTML file. It is a "snapshot" of the status at the moment the file was created. The file doesn't get updated when things change. You need to close it and re-open it from the menu within AHP (using the menu or by pressing F3) to update the status.

If you remove the flag condition, does the macro work properly?
If you trigger it by clicking on it withing AHP, does it run the B5 comand properly (triggering manually from within AHP ignores the conditions).
You can also try putting a delay (1 or even 0 seconds is fine) at the BEGINNING of the macro (before it turns the B5 module on or off). See if that makes any difference when it is triggered by the timer.

If none of that helps, then it sounds like something in the X10nets service is not communicating properly with the CM15A, OR the CM15A is defective. If your CM15A is still under warranty, I'd suggest calling X10 to get an RMA for replacement. Even if it is not under warranty, try calling anyway. It doesn't hurt to ask.


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Re: macro with timer fails
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2011, 12:12:55 AM »

You are opening the Status Report AFTER you turn the module on (and not just hitting "refresh" in your browser), right?
That is correct - I open it every time

If you trigger it by clicking on it withing AHP, does it run the B5 comand properly (triggering manually from within AHP ignores the conditions).

correct - it runs OK when clicking the "blue" run macro button

If you remove the flag condition, does the macro work properly?

Yes it does..

You can also try putting a delay (1 or even 0 seconds is fine) at the BEGINNING of the macro (before it turns the B5 module on or off). See if that makes any difference when it is triggered by the timer.

No change, it still fails.

If your CM15A is still under warranty, I'd suggest calling X10 to get an RMA for replacement.

The unit is less than a month old. Do you have a good number to call X10. I tried calling them the other day, and
was put on hold for 45 minutes - at which point I gave up. I suspect if I had called the order line they may have
answered sooner.....

Thanks for your help on this. I think Ill see about getting a replacement.



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Re: macro with timer fails
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2011, 07:04:41 AM »

I haven't had to call them in quite a while.
Going through the order line might get you to a person faster.
Or, you can try to send an e-mail to
« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 08:29:01 AM by Noam »
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