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Author Topic: Using AH with wall light switch  (Read 13050 times)


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Using AH with wall light switch
« on: August 10, 2011, 04:52:35 PM »

I am starting out with X10 so I have AH 1.42 connecting through a CM11 module.  I can write macros and control appliance modules such as the AM12U device, but when I use macros to control a LW10U which replaces a conventional light switch, it will not respond to the macros.  It does, however,  respond to direct instructions from a MT10 mini timer.  I am wondering if I have installed the right module in Active Home, since there is no option to choose the LW10U - just a number of other modules with numbers that I don't have and I have had to guess which one relates to my device.

Does anyone know if there is a conversion from the module list provided with AH to the ones that I can buy in the UK?  Or is the the LW10U just too modern for the AH software?


Brian H

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Re: Using AH with wall light switch
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2011, 07:05:46 PM »

Since you are using the 230 volt European Modules.
Does your copy of AH 1.42 have those model numbers in it or the US part numbers?
What module did you pick in AH for the LW10U?

I looked at the LW10U sales page. Do you know if it has soft start? Where the light slowly goes on and off?

Did you test the MT10 in the same outlet as the CM11? It maybe possible you have a power line communications issue. From the CM11 to the LW10U's location.

If you call the LW10U an AM12U as a test. Can you toggle it on and off by the AH screen?
« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 07:28:33 PM by Brian H »


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Re: Using AH with wall light switch
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2011, 04:08:34 PM »

Thanks for your response.

The modules listed under lamp modules in AH are LM465, LM14A, WS467, WS 4777, SL475, LM15A.  I have tried calling my LW10U a LM465 and a LM14A without success.  No evidence of a soft start, although I can with the MT10 turn the module off and on, and dim it.  The CM11 is, however, successfully controlling a AM12U (which I have to call a AM486) through a macro.

The difficulty seems to be identifying which of the modules available in AH  is the right one for the  LW10U.  Perhaps there is a 'universal' module which will at least turn on and off all modules?

I can't call the LW10U an AM12U since it is not on the list of modules.  I have tried calling it an AM486, but it still does not respond.

Is there a European version of AH 1.42, perhaps?


Brian H

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Re: Using AH with wall light switch
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2011, 04:24:33 PM »

All the model numbers you are giving are the ones X10 sell here.
WS467 is the US model of the two wire wall switch. That dims.

I do think you may have a power line signal problem.
Calling it a AM486 {Appliance Module} should have let you send an On and Off to it from the CM11.
Did you try the MT10 in the outlet now being used by the CM11 and see if it can still control the LW10U?

I found two UK versions in the X10 FTP site but I have no information on how recent they are compared to 1.42.
I will post the link but our forum software insists on adding an http:// to the string. No matter how hard I try not to have it happen.  B:(
So the real link is with no http://

I believe the basic difference is the model number list and the Icon to match it.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 06:26:59 PM by Brian H »

dave w

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Re: Using AH with wall light switch
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2011, 05:33:56 PM »

I agree with Brian. I think you have a powerline communication problem. A Maxi or Mini Controller has no idea what X10 module model it is turning on when you push the "ON" button. When you identified your LW10 as an appliance module and it did not come on, it likely means the signal from the CM11 is not actually getting to the LW10. That could be a noise problem. Read more here: Don't bother reading about "Couplers" and "repeaters" or "phase coupling". That is one problem unique to US and other "split phase" systems.
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Re: Using AH with wall light switch
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2011, 07:12:56 AM »

Thanks for the responses.  I have now installed the European version and the module list has changed into modules that I recognise.

Using the new version of AH and uninstalling the previous version, the LW10 now responds to AH and the macros.   I am not sure that the new version alone solved the problem, although uninstalling and reinstalling AH may have done.  I am continuing to investigate the possible noise problem.

Brian H

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Re: Using AH with wall light switch
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2011, 08:42:57 AM »

Thanks for the update.
I am glad it seems to be running better now.
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