Thanks for the suggestion Dave, but unfortunately that is not possible in the XTBM. There is a precision rectifier that tracks the envelope of the signal burst. The PIC A/D is running flat out over the burst making multiple readings, which it converts to an average. Independently, the T1 timer counts the number of cycles in the measurement window to calculate the frequency.
The XTBM identifies an Insteon signal by it being at the right frequency, and the burst beginning almost a millisecond before the zero crosssing. The XTB-ANR switches off the attenuator at that point so not to corrupt an Insteon signal. As a result, noise sitting near 131KHz looks just like an Insteon signal.
Since the XTBM is essentially a X10 measurement tool, we will have to accept the fact that after the XTB-ANR is installed, the Insteon indication could mean there is noise near the Insteon frequency.
You are correct in that I could use the 5 zero-crossing bursts, followed by a gap to qualify for the Insteon indication. But extended Insteon commands take 11 zero crossings before the gap. So 5 or 11 could be potential Insteon commands, and anything else would be noise. I’ll think about including that in the Pro version.