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Author Topic: Transceived House Code(s) question  (Read 5846 times)


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Transceived House Code(s) question
« on: October 26, 2011, 09:21:31 AM »

I was under the impression that transceiving a house code was only used to take an RF incoming signal and putting it on the power line.

What I'm seeing however is that if I generate a signal on the line via another means (WebIO) the CM15a will not see it and call a macro unless that House Code is also tranceived.

WebIO calls A1 On
CM15a should call the A1 On macro

This only happens if A is tranceived.

Am I missing something?
ActiveHomePro 3.310
SmartMacros 3.310


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Re: Transceived House Code(s) question
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2011, 02:24:48 PM »

I was under the impression that transceiving a house code was only used to take an RF incoming signal and putting it on the power line.

What I'm seeing however is that if I generate a signal on the line via another means (WebIO) the CM15a will not see it and call a macro unless that House Code is also tranceived.

WebIO calls A1 On
CM15a should call the A1 On macro

This only happens if A is tranceived.

Am I missing something?
From my experience, this is correct. That list is for BOTH the RF and the PLC.
The "Transceived House Codes" list is really a list of codes that the CM15A will NOT ignore.
For any codes that are NOT checked, the CM15A will log the signal, and change the status of the module if it exists in the interface, but that's all it will do. It won't trigger any macros, or pass that code along to the powerline (if it came in over RF).


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Re: Transceived House Code(s) question
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2011, 03:08:32 PM »

Thanks for the confirmation.

Here's my dilemma, I just moved my RF motion sensor to better location, unfortunately it's out of range now.
I plugged in a TM751 transceiver and now I can receive the signal but the results are inconsistent.
I'm thinking that the master CM15a controller at times is also picking up the RF signal and causing collisions.
Not transceiving the house code would stop the RF that the CM15a picks up from getting on the line but then it also would not see anything from the TM751. Transceiving the code (like I have it now) the CM15a picks up the signal from the power line and via RF. I think the RF signal is then placed on the power line causing a collision.
I'll try a delay when turning on the light in the hope that the line will free up and allow the light to go on.
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