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Author Topic: Dusting off the old CM11a...  (Read 10898 times)


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Dusting off the old CM11a...
« on: October 27, 2011, 11:54:31 PM »

Well, it's been 6 years since I moved and I just pulled out the old x10 gear to see if I could get it working.

Well, i got mixed results...just as I remember it lol...;)

I hooked up 2 lamp modules. One inside the room where my PC sits and another in a seperate room down the hall.

Only one module worked...guess which one? The one in the same room nearest me.

SO, I'm stuck with no solution. Anyone have an idea why I can't get my old AH software and the CM11a plus lamp modulaes to work on my Windows XP machine?


Brian H

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Re: Dusting off the old CM11a...
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2011, 06:20:55 AM »

Some XP installations had issues, but it was a communications between the computer and the CM11A. If you are talking reliably to the CM11A from the computer. It may not have the communications issue.

Is the CM11A on the same outlet as the computer equipment?
If so is the computer on an X10 filter? Computer power supplies are known to absorb X10 signals or make power line noise.

Do you have any coupling between the power line phases? The problem lamp modules maybe on the other phase of the homes wiring and not receiving the signals.


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Re: Dusting off the old CM11a...
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2011, 01:36:06 PM »

Sounds like a PLC (powerline) transmission issue to me.
The two modules might be on different phases, and the signal isn't strong enough to cross over without a bridge of some sort.
Or, there could be other noise or signal suckers on the line in between the CM11A and the module that isn't working.

Check out Jeff Volp's troubleshooting guide. It is quite extensive:


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Re: Dusting off the old CM11a...
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2011, 11:19:37 PM »

thanks for the prompt replies guys...

Here's the dealio...

The PC is plugged into a separate outlet than the CM11a but it's an outlet only less than 6 feet away. So, i don't know if that makes a difference.

I'm getting a successful TEST under TOOLS MENU>Test Communications

There is no x10 filter on the PC plug.

There is no coupling device between the power line phases.


ANy recommendations as to what products and what manufacturer I should buy from?

I'm confused about X10 amplifiers vs. power phase couplers? Do i need both? Or just one? If so, which one?

thanks in advance.


Brian H

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Re: Dusting off the old CM11a...
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2011, 06:11:22 AM »

The communications tests shows the computer is talking to the CM11A. It does not test power line signals to other modules.
Passive Phase Coupler. Is a device that is wired across the two incoming lines. It does not amplify or repeat the signal from one phase to the other. So if your CM11A was sending a 3 volt signal and by the time it gets to the breaker box at 1 volt. The 1 volt is sent back on the other line.
A Repeater Coupler takes the signal from the one phase and retransmits it on the other phase. Again let say it is 1 volt. It would retransmit it at a higher level back on the other phase.

Filters. X10Pro 5 amp XPPF, Smarthome 1626-10 10 amp FilterLinc, ACT 15 amp AF120 come to mind.

Passive Coupler X10Pro XPCP. I don't have the ACT or Smarthome passive coupler numbers off the top of my head.

Repeater/Coupler Most here find the XTB-IIR from JV Engineering the best. ACT CR234 is good. The lower cost X10Pro XPCR; Leviton HCA02 and the Smarthome Dryer Outlet models have mixed reviews.
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