Yes, the PowerFlash can be wired to my alarm and it should flash lights, but does any know if it can trigger the Voice Dialer Console (PS561) to make calls? That bould be a great addition to my Wired alarm system.
thanks again all
No. At least not directly.
The PF or BAI can only send a House Code - Unit Code ON when it gets a closure across the input terminals. An OFF when it gets an "open". It can get set to flash the HC also.
Your Radio Shark alarm must provide a closure for the Power Flash (Burgler Alarm Interface), so why not use that closuer to trigger the dialer? You could use a double throw relay to change the closure from the alarm system to an "open" fed to one of the dialers remote sensors.
OR use an Appliance Module set to same HCUC as the Power Flash and the Appliance Module would trigger a DPDT or SPDT relay to trigger the dialer remote sensor.