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Author Topic: X 10 security system DS7000 NOT DIALING Correctly fios  (Read 5781 times)


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X 10 security system DS7000 NOT DIALING Correctly fios
« on: November 09, 2011, 12:12:16 PM »

I have Fios.  When the alarm is tripped the alarm will dial but i get a not able to connect as dialed.  Tried the dsl filter  still no luck and can't change my number.  Any other ideas i can try?


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Re: X 10 security system DS7000 NOT DIALING Correctly fios
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2011, 10:02:40 AM »

Im not sure what Fios is but in my area our local phone provider switched to a fiber optic system that supports phone internet and cable tv all in one system.  The phone system is a VIOP setup.  I have chased many issues with my secutiry counsel and it all comes down to the fact that the x10 security counsels don't appear to work with viop systems, They were built for the old standard systems.  Not sure if anyome found a work around but as far as I know it dosent work.



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Re: X 10 security system DS7000 NOT DIALING Correctly fios
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2011, 10:19:08 AM »

FiOS is Verizon's fiber service.
They provide Internet access, TV, and phone service over a fiber optic cable, with an ONT (Optical Network terminator) installed inside out outside the home, which breaks back out to standard coax (for TV, and for the Internet connection in newer installs), Ethernet (for Internet access on older installs), and phone (up to 4 lines, I think).

The phone lines provided via the ONT are *supposed* to be standard POTS lines (although there is some converting going on to get the signal on the fiber). There is a separate option to use Verizon's VOIP service, but I don't really know much about how they do that.

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Re: X 10 security system DS7000 NOT DIALING Correctly fios
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2011, 01:34:31 PM »

FiOS is Verizon's fiber service.
They provide Internet access, TV, and phone service over a fiber optic cable, with an ONT (Optical Network terminator) installed inside out outside the home, which breaks back out to standard coax (for TV, and for the Internet connection in newer installs), Ethernet (for Internet access on older installs), and phone (up to 4 lines, I think).

The phone lines provided via the ONT are *supposed* to be standard POTS lines (although there is some converting going on to get the signal on the fiber). There is a separate option to use Verizon's VOIP service, but I don't really know much about how they do that.

Note one thing about Verizon's FIOS:  Verizon will NOT wire urban areas for FiOS.  My street in Baltimore is half City and half County. Verizon wired the county part (in fact they terminated the fiber FOUR FEET from the city line.   Also a cousin who lives in Baltimore County and his install of FiOS has a box for every TV, Just like Comcast in the City.
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Re: X 10 security system DS7000 NOT DIALING Correctly fios
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2011, 04:45:09 PM »

Nean,  Fios is the exact same system that I have here except our is from the public utility.  It has an ONT mounted to the house and it breaks up into phone, internet and cable tv that are recieved by fiber optic transmission.  the x10 security counsels will not transmit through this type of service.  I have tried everything with no result.  There are GSM security systems that will dial out on this but not x10.  The phone system is similar to Vonage it uses VIOP protocols (Voice over internet protocol) the x10 counsels don't recognize it. 


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Re: X 10 security system DS7000 NOT DIALING Correctly fios
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2011, 07:14:37 PM »

{general musings}
I wonder if the Fios home interface provides the same ON-HOOK, OFF-HOOK DC voltages that POTS would? Maybe DS7000 is looking for something beside dial tone(?). It has been around for a long time.
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Re: X 10 security system DS7000 NOT DIALING Correctly fios
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2011, 08:43:43 PM »

Since Verizon FiOS includes Verizon Telephone service  the DS7000 should be able to dial out.   Telephone service is included with FiOS.
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Re: X 10 security system DS7000 NOT DIALING Correctly fios
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2011, 10:49:21 AM »

Since Verizon FiOS includes Verizon Telephone service  the DS7000 should be able to dial out.   Telephone service is included with FiOS.
Yes, one would think so. Except POTS (still) supplies around 50VDC as an ON-HOOK voltage which drops to about five volts when you come off hook. So I was wondering if the old DS7000 might be looking for high DC voltages to detect non active phone line. I guess if the DS7000 works with VoIP devices like Magic Jack, it should work with Fios.
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