Thanks mike for the added information.
It does sound like maybe a production run of them are all the same.
You know tho..... I had an inspiration once and thought, maybe what they actually mean by batt status time remaining is not what we think. remember how they used to (maybe still do?) consider logic of multiple conditions like you are standing on your head upside down and backwards from true boolean logic, perhaps they mean something totally different than the obvious with this 'time remaining' value..... so.... on a third unit I have at another location, I reset, it went green & 48:00:00 and I proceeded to UNPLUG IT.....
So. I hit F1 for help while on that tools->hardware_interface_config page and actually read what the programmers meant by the batt status..... yep, sure enough, they had been standing on their heads and programmed this to NOT mean battery life REMAINING but battery life
USED!!! Can you believe it?? Now please tell me what possible use battery life USED means to a batt back up set of batteries that have been in a unit for 1+ year? Shelf life alone will kill them faster than the number of minutes USED - sheez!
Anywa, as I sit here writting this, I have my 3rd cm15a unit that DOES change state from red to green unplugged. I may be writting more than necessary, but I am trying to see if the upside down counter counts down.....been 5 minutes since the reset button pushed and guess what?? the batt status says: ready?? 476:55:00 TADA!
So there you have it. So stand on your head and look at it again and it will make perfect sense! It simply tells you 48hr:00min:00sec MINUS time electric has been off since last reset.......