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Author Topic: My Sd card disappeared when I inserted in Airpad X 10.2 inch tablet - HELP!  (Read 5189 times)


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I read that someone else had taken the case off but actually did damage to a speaker wire.  Does anyone know how to take the care off?  How hard is it to get to the SD card? 
I don't want yet another problem.  It seemed I had a good product so I hope someone can come to the rescue.  I don’t want to lose my SD card either.
OMG Tech support: I tried live chat and was given a number for tech support.  I tried it three times.  Each time it rang twice and then nothing.  I called the home number and made it to tech support.  I waited literally 20 minutes.  A rude lady answered the phone.  I was talked down to like I was an idiot.  I explained that I inserted the SD card in the slot and it disappeared.  She says what do you want me to do, you inserted it wrong and there is nothing we can do.  I told her others had the problem, what was done there.  She said there wasn't anyone else and it's not a problem.  I said you have no more support than that.  She said no.  How about a return and giving me another one?  Okay, what’s your order no.  I don’t have it with me.  My call was done.  That lady needs fired!  I sure hope it gets better from here!!! 


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I would post on their facebook page for help  If the Airpad X is ZeniThink  zt-280 c91 and that is a big IF, then the info below might be useful   This a last resort because its easy to crack these tablet cases and void your warranty.  Should you open your Airpad X, may be you can post some pics??
« Last Edit: December 12, 2011, 03:55:58 PM by pseeker »

Brian H

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I believe it may have been the 7" Airpad 1 with the SD card sliding inside the case.
So the AirpadX also doesn't have a guide to assist you in inserting the SD card correctly?


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Not much help after the fact however Micro SD cards can be tricky inserting in to some devices. The AirPads have no support shelf or guide channel so they must be kept level and square and one will feel a slight Resistance during the last 1/8" or so of insertion. This is the spring Resistance which ejects the card when it is press after insertion.


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mine went the same way - it slid up and over the slot -- trick is to use a good bright light and a fine steel pick -- look in the slot the card will be up over the cage that it is supposed to be in --  >!slide the card back so it lines up with the hole and with a tooth pick on one side ( slid in beside the card ) take the fine steel pick and get at the other corner of the card and give it a flick --  the card should come out cockeyed - garb it with a fine pair of tweezers -- it does work just take your time and work at it --  >!
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