Gotta question. Using AHP what modules do you use to control Insteon modules? Since getting modules from X10 is getting to be harder to get, especially now.
Dan -
I can't speak for others, but I'll tell you what I do.
All of my Insteon switches are the relay type, and I defined them in AHP using the "Florescent Decorator Style Wall Switch" (WS13A-L) from the "Old Lamps" category. (There is a bug that if you use the one in the "Lamps" category, AHP sends it Extended DIM commands. Seems pretty silly for a non-dimming module.
I use the same definition for an older SmartHome (pre-Insteon) x10-compatible relay switch.
I also have two older Smarthome (pre-insteon) X10-compatible dimmers. I am using the "Old Lamps / Lamp Module" for those, I think. I suppose I could have just as easily used the "Old Lamps / wall switch" as well. I don't remember if there was a reason why I did it that way (other than the Lamp Module being the first one in the list, and it worked).
The Insteon switches (as well as the older, pre-Insteon ones) do not use the X10 Extended Dim commands.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think the same goes for their new line of X10-compatible switches as well.