There are few Post out there about modding your mini power horn ...I had help form few people...Brian H was one of them and am hoping this is bit easier way of doing the same mod,
White wire -------->|---------Relay Coil.
+ Capacitor
- Capacitor
White Wire -------------------Relay Coil
Relay Contact ------------------- Siren +
Relay Contact ------------------- External Power supply +
External Power Supply - --------- Siren -
...see my hand drawing, its hard to take pictures of small parts...
5 things you need is Relay, diode and cap, siren, power for siren
my relay is R44-1D2-12
my cap was 27uf 15v
diode not sure i happen to have that..
siren i took out from a car...5$ out of honda civic

ps: please ignore my spelling mistakes