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Author Topic: Targeting x86 platform  (Read 9752 times)


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Targeting x86 platform
« on: July 03, 2012, 09:34:16 AM »

I know there are threads asking for a 64-bit SDK, and even a message pointing back to how one user worked around using our 32-bit plugin on a 64-bit machine.   That plugin was compiled with AnyCPU though, so wondering if there is not a better or proper way to target x86 to make it work on 64-bit OS.

So I went into out X10 plugin and changed the Configuration manager and Advanced Compile options to target x86 instead of AnyCPU, and I was  hoping that would allow us to run under 32 or 64-bit without all the hack that were done to make the existing plugin work.    But I am still getting an error:

07/03/2012 08:22:25.155 AM - Error activating plugin (CM15A-VLT): Could not load file or assembly 'file:///D:\OSA SVN\output\AddIns\CM15A\OSAE.CM15A.dll' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. -

Is there a way to force the compile to 32-bit that will run on a 64-bit machine?

I am ok with not having a 64-bit version if there was an easier way to get the 32-bit version to work.   With all machine coming out tending to run 64-bit, we almost have to drop support for the CM15a the way it is...

Any info is appriciated, thanks!
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Re: Targeting x86 platform
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2012, 08:41:57 AM »

I am probably off base here, but this is what I do when I run into a 32/64 bit programming problem with VB Express:

open the *.vbproj file with notepad (or any text editor)

locate the first entry of <Property Group>

just underneath it add "<PlatformTarget>x86</PlatformTarget>"

(you do not have to remove anything). I don't understand why someone would have to use a server (OSA) and all the fuss with using a CM15A on a 64 bit pc. I hope this works for you. Good Luck.
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