Recently installed a system comprised of the components listed in the thread title. Have had a few issues of window/door sensors not detecting a closed door even though the magnet and sensor appear aligned properly. Usually open and closing the door will resolve this. A couple of windows needed the magnet moved to correct. Not sure if part of this problem is because the magnet needed to be "rolled" to the side for mounting.
I have a couple of zones, one a DS12A(window/door) and the other a MS18A(motion det) that at random times will show "Problem" on the console. In both the batteries are fresh and I have re-initiated the units to reinstall a couple of times. The manual states if the device hasn't reported in 4 hours this alarm will appear. I assume the sensor sends out strings of pulses of "OK" messages within the 4 hour period. All sensors and motion detector are within about a 20'-25' radius of the console and I'm assuming this to be a reasonable distance that wouldn't cause a signal problem. One of the sensors having the "Problem" has been swapped out and is almost line of sight to the console. I haven't played with the console orientation as of yet.
- If the console is armed and a "Problem" event occurs what action does the console take? Will it alarm and set the siren off in the same way a "Tamper" event does? Manual doesn't seem to address this and I can't think of a way to test this since the "Problem" issue occurs randomly.
- Can/will a "Problem" self correct after the 4 hour period and clear itself if the sensor somehow restarts its "OK" reporting to the console? I have been able reset a ""Problem" by opening the window and the console will chime accordingly.
Any suggestions how to mount a window sensor to a window that can be tilted in for cleaning? Hard mounting the sensor would block the tilt.