Agreed, but I suspect electric companies the entire country will be installing smart meters, since smart meters are for the companies, not the users.
The issues we saw reported here were mostly with one particular meter and it only caused problems in one area of the country (SW Ohio). I suspect they used a different implementation there. I have the same meter (our area was where they initially tested the meters) and have had no X10 issues and I live just across the Ohio River from the region that had problems.
I agree with Dave's report. I also have a SmartMeter, and have had no issues with my X10 system as a result.
Also, while it is true that the SmartMeters benefit the utility (it saves money in meter reading, and capacity management), I certainly see the benefit to the consumer, as well.
I live in an area that (unfortunately) has been prone to more frequent and long power outages in the past few years than in the 30 years before that. With the implementation of SmartMeters, the utility will get automatic reporting of outages, and will be able to better respond, based on the number of customers affected.
The SmartMeter will also allow the customer to monitor their power consumption more closely.