Second quetion how do you access the xipcam site when i put that in my browser the browser freeks out and will not connect.
David i have a xx40a PTZ pro outdoor camera that uses the the only thing is its
http://exxxx.xipcam.comthe x's are replace with numbers
without the exxxx. the site doesn't work.
I notice most of the complaints on the forums seem to be with the address in trying to access the internet outside their network.
Any problems i had setting up were:
i needed to download the active x for IE
i needed to open ports on my modem and my router.
i had to add my camera IP address to Internet Explorer trusted site security section.
at one point i just deleted camera software, put my router back to the factory settings, downloaded router update and just started over via the manual step by step.
I can also view my camera over my cell phone network 3g/4g network