Ok, after a month of not working and several weekends of unsuccessful experiments, I'm ready to cave in and ask for help.
I have a light on my mailbox that, according to my HOA, is supposed to be lit at night.
I had a WS12a controlling it for more than 5 years (first with a CM11A then with a CM15A)..
I left AZ for 6 weeks to visit and eventually put to rest my mother-in-law on the east coast, and when I returned, the light no longer worked.
I ordered a new WS12A, but this was a soft start, and I'm pretty sure my original was a hard start.
This isn't totally new to me, as I had added soft starts to control other lights, but only after many days of trying to tell AHP that the WS12A was
other devices. I finally found one that worked (Leviton 6381), at least for the most part.
For some reason, these (WS12A)lights controlled by the virtual 6381, only come on at the last manual setting, but that is not what I'm here to ask about.
After installing the new soft-start WS12A in the mailbox circuit, of course it didn't work. I read many threads that said to install it as a LM14A,
but that did not work. In fact. every time I've assigned it to a different device. It completely stops working (even locally... i.e. even pushing the switch does not make the light come on). It remains inactive until I try it the next day, and then it's back to normal (locally and remotely)
So after more research. I find that I can download updates to AHP. I had 3.236, and I downloaded 3.318, even though AHP told me that 3.236 was the latest and greatest.
So now I'm looking at the version descriptions, and I see nothing about WS12A problems being resolved. Now I'm scared to do any more programming,
thinking that I've already lost my mailbox light, but might lose all others as well.
Can ypu help me out with this?