Will also start working on setting up alarming and emailing. I have setup email but the test fails. Do you have any tips for getting email setup for alerts?
Depending on your email providered, you basically need to know the smtp server port#
I use gmail and i have mines set up like this
Sender gmailusername@gmail.com
Receiver 1 gmailusername@gmail.com
Receiver 2
Receiver 3
Receiver 4
SMTP Server: smtp.gmail.com
Transport Layer Security Protocol: TLS
Need Authentication CHECKED BOX
SMTP User: gmail user name@gmail.com
SMTP password: password to login gmail ( or your hotmail, godaddy mail etc)
Report Internet IP by Mail - enable if you want emails when your motion or alarm feature is activated from motion.
Click submit first then click test, it will get either a succed screen or failed screen.
If failed make sure the port for your email client is correct.
FTP Server is ftp.YOURDOMAINNAME.com
FTP Port is: 21
FTP user is: username you use to login to upload files in your ftp program like coreftp.
FTP password: password you use to login to upload files in your ftp program like coreftp
FTP Upload folder: AIRSIGHT
( Make sure you create a folder to upload your recorded video / pictures for your camera.. as you see i named mines AIRSIGHT)
Make sure you click submit first before you click test
Upload Image Now: your choice
LAST BUT JUST AS IMPORTANT: once its working to your liking, use the backup feature an backup your settings just in case
FYI.. i am no tech guy, i also had trouble setting up my camera in the beginning, read the forum, did some googling, and trial an error got me up an running.