Unchecked the box - left the IP camera address there - re-booted the computer tried again - camera comes up ok with a good picture, and on motion sounds alarm and red camera record lite on the screen comes on, Windows explorer opens up to the set path location -- but no file is written and if you use stop on the camera screen picture stops but red record button stays on and i cannot get it to turn off.
Any thing else I can try ?
Thanks very much for your effort. miketzaa
Note: The current firmware is correct.
Are you talking about when motion is detected the red light next to the word record or the lower left of the video screen?
The red flashing icon stops by itself after about 1 minute.
If If you have motion detection armed.. pressing stop will stop the record red light and cut off the video ( note you can press the word record to stop the video also)
If you have the motion detection armed...and it detects motion..the record red comes on..the red light in the lower left of video flashes. This will flash for about 1 minute and stop by itself.
I found out as long as there is motion, i have a lot of foot traffic, cars going by.. and probably the branchs on the tree within range moving sets my motion detecting going.
Lets try again
IE > Internet Options > Security > Trusted Sites > site > Camera IP > Uncheck Box > Add > close >Click Ok
Before you do anyting else go to your camera UI > System > Backup & Restore and restore your original path settings and save them on your computer
then go to you Camera UI > Other > Path settings and note where your pictures & video will be saved to.
I changed mines to my microsd card but if i remember, your video and pictures will be saved on your c drive in
Check your local drive it could of saved somewhere else, check your path settings where.
I did have port forwarding on my Linksys E2500 router and I also had to open port 80 on my Optimum-Online Arris Modem TM22.