I want to rip out these modules and throw out of my window right now! So frustrated. Someone please help. Here is the scenario and set up below:
I've had the front, side and patio modules working fine for 3 years now. They have always been set to work on macros to turn off and on at certain times. I only had one lamp module plugged in and it would always turn itself on when the motion sensor on the flood light would trigger the flood lights to turn on.
Today I decided to make use of all the other lamp modules I had. I thought I had set everything up fine. All moduelks work from remote and AHP. The front, side, and flood macros all worked fine. Then I walked outside and the craziness started. The motion sensor triggered all the lamp modules to turn on except the transceiver module. Then the exterior front and side modules began to turn off on their own. I would turn them on and they would turn off within minutes. Sometimes AHP would the correct status of moduels and sometime it wouldn't. This is driving my bananas!!!! if my dogs go outside the flood light motion sensor will trigger the light modules around my whole house.
Since I wanted my living room lamp to turn on with my x10 alarm system, I moved some clodes around to have the transceiver module connected to the lamp since it is set to A1 by default. Midn you, no matter what codes I have the lamp modules set to, the motion senros triggers everything on. If I have the back flood lights on, I can control all the lamp moduels with the remote off and on just fine. The issues only happen when the flood lights are off and teh motion sdensors triggers everything.
Here is the full setup:
-socket rocket on front porch and side entrance light set to A2 and A5
-flood light with motion senor on back patio set to A3
-living room - 1 transceiver module set to A1
-lamp module set to A4
-bedroom 1 -lamp module set to A6
-bedroom 2 - lamp modeule set to A7