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Author Topic: Airsight XC39A  (Read 4476 times)


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Airsight XC39A
« on: March 22, 2014, 10:01:31 PM »

I bought a set of these 2 years ago (2012). Only used them once on an older computer. Finally I built a new Windows 8.1 64 built computer and would like to use these. Can anyone lead me to a download that would give me any firmware updates, software, or anything else I would need to use on the new computer. Thanking you in advance. These are the only files I can find on my old computer. What can I do with these files?

system lr_cmos_17_35_2_41.bin
WEB UI_20_8_5_15.bin


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Re: Airsight XC39A
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2014, 08:58:04 AM »

system lr_cmos_17_35_2_41.bin is the firmware upgrade file
WEB UI_20_8_5_15.bin is the internet web interface upgrade file which tells the camera how to display when you log on.
there is a software for the Airsights but it is a bit clunky I don't have a link to it right now but a better one might be the one from easyn (same cameras)
I'm not sure if new air sight cameras will be able to use the old software.
However the best option may be using ispy for all your camera needs.
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Re: Airsight XC39A
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2014, 10:08:07 AM »

Ok that makes sense. I looked back and it wasn't two years, it was March 2013. I was taking care of elderly parents and so much to do with them I wasn't able to properly get the cameras working. I noticed that I have the airsight software on my XP computer but can't get past the login screen because I don't know where I wrote down the password & username. I tried the directions of admin, and leave blank but that didn't work. I also have the outdoor camera XC38a. All the mac id information is on each camera. I bought that whole kit x-10 had with 4 or 5 cameras. I couldn't get then started when I needed to so I kind of gave up. Then in September I bought the D-link DCS-942L and that seemed to be easier to work with, but I would like the to use the Airsights because of the movement and a little more options. The Dlink links work good.

Would the Airsights work on the same program that the Dlinks do? I downloaded the Ispy software.


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Re: Airsight XC39A
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2014, 12:14:11 PM »


Would the Airsights work on the same program that the Dlinks do? I downloaded the Ispy software.
They might it depends if they it will allow other cameras, the airsight software won't, the easyn viewer will as will ispy.
You will need to know the IP address of the cameras and the log in info
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