You can copy the files to the new machine, However this will not give you a registered version
Most of your plugins should work however you can't create any new macros using the plugins from inside AHP.
One user has discovered you can do that from inside note pad editing the AHX file.
Well, its time for me to get myself a new PC. My current (old) PC has AHP 3.318 installed, registered, and the plugins registered.
There is no way for me to "copy" or "transfer" the registered-ness from my old PC to my new PC? There is no file or no registry entry that would work if I moved such over?
BTW, I can understand that the new X10 people haven't been able to recover the server database used to register AHP. Could they simply start from scratch and build a new database? That we could supply to them, our codes, and they add them? I mean, if they want proof, I could supply them with a copy of my receipt for the software.