Since X10WTI went under and Microsoft stopped supporting XP many of us have been wondering how to get AHP and our plugins moved and working to a new PC.
I could have had this little tool ready sooner but I wanted to make sure it worked for others.
AHP Lifejacket will unlock most plugins and AHP but I can't guarantee that those which require a x10 server will work.
This only will register your AHP if you already have a registered AHP working on another PC.
See the enclosed readme for the info you will require from that PC.
This tool should be in every ones tool kit even if X10 servers do come back online.
This tool is still not 100% successful for all plugins as yet however I continue to work on this.
I have ran this on a number of different windows installs (32 & 64 bit) and have been told it even works on a XP machine.
Warning: This tool is for new systems without any existing registered programs installed
Attempting to use this on a older system could result in other programs becoming unregistered.
A PC ID revert after lifejacket has completed and AHP is registered will be require in those instances.