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Author Topic: IconLITE IR19A not accepting "-" for Favorites  (Read 52802 times)


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IconLITE IR19A not accepting "-" for Favorites
« on: March 05, 2015, 03:39:17 PM »

Directions for my new IR19A state that you can use digits 0-9, "OK", and "-" when setting up a Favorite's Button. Yet when I try entering a "-", I get a an error, fast flashing of LED, and then no other input is accepted.  It just won't accept a "-".  It will accept digits 0-9 and "OK" and I can manually enter a number for my TV such as "62-1" so I know the "-" is working. I just can't store "62-1" as a Favorite because it gags on the "-".  The Instructions even list a "5-7" combination as an example.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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Re: IconLITE IR19A not accepting "-" for Favorites
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2015, 08:18:16 AM »

Here's an update to my own problem.  First, I purchased this Remote from The Home Automation Store (THAS), on sale for about $12. After encountering the problem, I immediately contacted them for Technical Support, which as I was told, they don't typically provide. Instead they direct you to an X10 Web Site for support. However, that site seems to only direct you to copies of Owner's Manuals, so I went back to THAS and they offered to submit a Problem Report to X10 for me, stating that response time is usually 24 hours.  Well, after more than three weeks, I finally received a response from X10, but only after persistent follow-up emails.  There answer, sorry, but this is a know design flaw and it will not work as described, that is, it will not accept a "-" when programming channel favorites.  They contacted THAS to schedule a return (RMA Number, etc.) and a refund. All I had to do was pack up the unit and ship it back, but it didn't seem right that I should have to pay return shipping for an item that was sold to me with a known defect.  To their benefit, when I complained, they sent me a return mailing USPS label.  So, case closed, except THAS is still selling these IR19A's so be careful.  Also, I think there is some affiliation between THAS and support.     
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