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Author Topic: Mochad and CM15A  (Read 19253 times)


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Mochad and CM15A
« on: March 23, 2016, 02:48:23 PM »

Hello, I'm a noob to Linux. I'm trying to get Mochad to work with my CM15A. I have Raspbian installed on my Raspberry Pi.  When I plug my CM15A into my RPi, I did not see any messages come up from Mochad like some people have posted. When I enter the command "pl a1 on | nc localhost 1099", I get a bash error that says "pl" is an unknown command.  I can see that my RPi sees my CM15A by doing "lsusb". If I check for installed packages using "dpkg -l", I don't see I supposed to?  Thanks in advance.  Rick


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Re: Mochad and CM15A
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2016, 12:38:23 AM »

I haven't used mochad in a while, nor did I use it very much when I had it installed.  I used it on RPi and it worked easily as expected.  I followed the guide on the mochad web site as I recall.

If you have mochad installed, you should be able to use "which pl" to find whether the pl command exists.


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Re: Mochad and CM15A
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2016, 05:34:28 PM »

Thanks for the reply bkenobi.  Got it figured out.  For some reason, mochad was not starting automatically when the controller is plugged in.  Had to use "sudo mochad".
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