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Author Topic: Second KR32A will not register to SC1200  (Read 3589 times)


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Second KR32A will not register to SC1200
« on: August 15, 2016, 07:50:47 PM »

Posted this in General and I think it belongs here. . . sorry.

No problem registering the 1st KR32A but the second KR32A is not registered by the SC1200

Have changed all batteries in all 3 KR32A's
Have initialized remotes (Hold ARM button down hold 3-4 seconds release the ARM button and led blinks twice)

Have done a Master Reset on the SC1200; Cleared the remotes as per instructions on Pg. 39 and started all over again . . . twice!

1st remote registers none of the other two will register.

I'm thinking there may be a step I'm missing after I register the 1st remote???

Any suggestions?


Oh, I didn't mention, I just received the X10 system today. I'm about to box it up and send it back.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 07:56:53 PM by geron »

Brian H

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Re: Second KR32A will not register to SC1200
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2016, 06:23:29 AM »

You have three KR32 remotes.
Is the problem the same. Any of the three will register if it is the first one and the other two will not register?

When you reset the KR32. After removing the battery. Push and hold one of the buttons a few seconds to discharge any remaining voltage in a capacitor. Before installing the battery and initializing the KR32.

I would initialize all three KR32 remotes before the console is in the registration mode.

If you only register one and exit. Can you then go back into the registration mode and add a second one?

If you only have one added and in the run mode. Verify the other two KR32 remotes will not control it. This should never happen unless for some reason an three KR32 remotes have the exact random ID code in them.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 06:54:02 AM by Brian H »


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Re: Second KR32A will not register to SC1200
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2016, 09:31:59 AM »

You have three KR32 remotes.
Is the problem the same. Any of the three will register if it is the first one and the other two will not register?

When you reset the KR32. After removing the battery. Push and hold one of the buttons a few seconds to discharge any remaining voltage in a capacitor. Before installing the battery and initializing the KR32.

I would initialize all three KR32 remotes before the console is in the registration mode.

If you only register one and exit. Can you then go back into the registration mode and add a second one?

If you only have one added and in the run mode. Verify the other two KR32 remotes will not control it. This should never happen unless for some reason an three KR32 remotes have the exact random ID code in them.

After the system sat overnight, I tried again and the 2nd and 3rd ones registered. Maybe it was same ID codes. Have registered 6 DS12A's so far. Will keep going.
Had a x10 some 20+- years ago along with home automation and was happy with it.
SH624 and Lm465 next on the list . . . after another cuppa Joe.
Thanks for the reply.

Brian H

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Re: Second KR32A will not register to SC1200
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2016, 11:27:24 AM »

Glad it worked out.
One thing on the DS12A.
You may have seen in the manual it also has a terminal strip where an external magnetic switch can be connected.
Both the internal magnetic switch and one on the external connections. Are completely separate Zones. You can register each of them on the console. If you want to use both the internal and external zones.

In my home the door frames didn't allow the internal one to line up with the magnet. So in my case I used external switches and only registered the external zone. Some users are using both the internal and external zones.
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