You may want to try something simple first. Try rotating both the House and Unit Code dials on the modules a few turns. Some times with age the, switches make poor contact and the module is on a different X10 address. Rotating them cleans the switch contacts and the address maybe more stable.
Do the plug strips have surge suppression or power line conditioning? If so they could be effecting the X10 power line signals.
If you also have a TV or computing equipment on them. That also can effect X10 power line signals.
Do you have any X10 power line coupling between the two incoming power line to the home? With out coupling the XTBR signal may still have problems getting from the incoming line it is connected to to the other line feeding part of the home.
Could be the XTBR is on the same line feeding the power strips.
The sometimes working and then not working. Could be an signal sucker or power line noise maker. That is not always running.
Since you did try an XTBR you may have seen Jeff's great troubleshooting tutorials but if not. all devices and circuits is always a help in troubleshooting.