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Author Topic: Wijit app fails to load.  (Read 5974 times)


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Wijit app fails to load.
« on: July 23, 2017, 07:56:23 AM »

I had noticed several complaints of this in the reviews posted on the google play store.
I had never experienced this till I dug out my units in an attempt to get Alexa control.
This was on a new phone running Android 7 my old phone running 4.11 doesn't or hasn't experienced this (yet)
I contacted the Authinx owner as there didn't seem to be a response to the issues reported.
He stated he had emailed the developer but wished to perform some tests to send more info to the developer.
Together we figured out the data was getting corrupt and this wasn't getting flushed with a uninstall and reinstall.
Simply going to settings then apps then clicking on wijit will open the screen to clear cache and data.
Since I had done a reinstall the cache was at zero but data was over 15 megs :o (I had only entered 3 devices prior to its failing).
Prior to clearing the data I had loaded the app to my old phone and configured the hub it was only seeing 3 modules.
Checking the data usage was no where near what was reported on my new phone. 8)


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