I'm currently reworking PCC as the weather pulls aren't working.

if you were using CSV files (like me) then you may not have noticed this.
the new build will require a free wundergound API key for weather pulls and triggers.
With all the hype about Amazon Alexa I had to see if I could get PCC to respond to a voice command from her.
Using HA-Bridge and a simple script (I used a batch file) I got it to work.

here is how you do it.
create a batch file which will contain the path to PCC and the command
here is a test one I did to speak the weather:
@ echo off
start C:\"PC Companion"\pccompanion ">Weather?<" 0
I saved it as WeatherFetch.bat and placed it in the HA_Bridge scripts folder
In HA-bridge click manual add
1: Type in a command name
2: In device type select execute script/program
3: In the on url type the location and name of the batch file eg: scripts/WeatherFetch.bat
4: Click Add Bridge Device
I'll look at having PCC auto create batch files similar to how Alex10 does ( if there is user interest)