Thanks for the reply. The appliance module I am using is a AM466, which is older so I don't think it is CFL friendly. If I go into my AHP software and flip the switches for that appliance module, yes, it can be manually turned on and stays on until I manually turn it off.
However, if I run the macro from the computer, I encounter the same premature turn off problem I described.
One other point I can add is the appliance module always prematurely turns off at the exact same point in the macro, right after a universal module in it executes a momentary closure of the relay it contains (which triggers a sound card to start running). The appliance module turns off immediately after the second "click" comes from the universal module, which signfies it's relay going back to open mode.
When you mentioned the possibility of line noise, are you referring to that being possibly created by the appliance module itself or are you referring to that being perhaps being created by the mirror ball motor it is controlling, or some other external noise source? Asking because I could try plugging that motor into an XPPF filter and then plugging that filter into the AM466.