This past weekend I experienced my own signal train (flood) 
This was a RF signal "B pan right" which should have been easy to figure out but took me all weekend.

I haven't had any ninjas in operation for several years so my first thought was a remotes batteries were going bad or one had a book set on it.
I checked every remote I could think of all were ok

Then I thought my Broadlink sends RF so I unplugged it and my RF repeater with no results.
Then I thought maybe AHP got in some sort of macro loop so I went there my macros and did find some with ninja controls still in them so I redid them. Still the train continued so I unplugged my CM15 and plugged it back in. This at first seemed to solve the issue but it was short lived so I tried a spare Cm15, same results.

Finally the signal switched to N pan right Ok that is a sign of batteries failing. But I checked all remotes or did I?
I remember having a camera remote and only used it briefly, where did it get put?
Finally I opened my X10 Parts bin and there on the side half way down was the culprit.
I picked it up and noticed the light come on. Sure enough it was set to B.
Why did I just toss it in the bin and leave the batteries in it?

And why did it just start getting the pan right button pressed?

I had bumped the bin looking for something on Friday night, that must have been just enough to cause the remote to get wedged tight enough to cause the button press.
I guess I'll be spending the day going threw the bin looking for other things with the batteries still in them.
If there was one device there is sure to be others
Man I feel like an idiot!