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Totally screwed up my phone's WiFi -- HELP
« on: January 25, 2018, 06:21:13 PM »

Well, after installed the Android App, and setting up my X10 WiFi Module, my Android Phone's WiFi seems to be totally screwed up.   :(

Even though I turn off my WiFi, it keeps turning right back on again, and I get the top-line msg "Wi-Fi network available".

It seems to have deleted all my WiFi passwords.   Probably why I get the msg "Wi-Fi network available" instead of it simply connecting back up to my home's WiFi network.  It can't because it doesn't have the password.

When I manually reconnect to my home network, by selecting it and re-entering my password, it does connect.  Kind of.   I get the typical messages of authenticating, getting IP address, followed by connected, but then a few seconds later, it disconnects on it own (WiFi still on).   Also, it seems to be deleting my password again.   :'(   So, if I attempt to re-connect again, I have to enter my password again.   "Rinse and repeat".

I have never had any problems with my Phone's WiFi before this, and definitely nothing like this.  Well, until I installed the X10 WiFi App and module.   

BTW, whenever I start the X10 app, it attempts to connect with WiFi even though I have 4G-LTE data enabled and available.  This is a minor annoyance.   I only mention this just in case its a clue to my major problem.

How do I get my phone back working correctly again?   :o
« Last Edit: January 25, 2018, 06:33:31 PM by Walt2 »
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Re: Totally screwed up my phone's WiFi -- HELP
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2018, 07:31:41 PM »

The app does try to turn WiFi on, and connect to the same network as the WM100 was set up with. Supposedly, that's by design, to help save mobile data usage. Personally, I find it annoying, and I'd rather be able to turn that off.

As for your specific problem, did you try rebooting the phone?
Did you try uninstalling the app?


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Re: Totally screwed up my phone's WiFi -- HELP
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2018, 05:17:43 AM »


I tried every trick I know of, and could not get my WiFi to work again.   That included re-booting (more than once).

In desperation, I uninstalled the X10 App (and re-booted once again).  That stopped the behavior of it constantly enabling (turning on) the WiFi on my phone, even when the X10 App itself was closed.

I am able to now successfully connect to the other WiFi Network in my home; my Guest Network.  But that is only a work-around, not a fix.

I still cannot connect to the same WiFi Network that I used to Set Up the WM100; my main Network   As I mentioned above, when I try to,  I get the typical messages of authenticating, getting IP address, followed by connected, but then a few seconds later, it disconnects on it own (WiFi still on).   Something's wrong.   Very wrong.

I really, really, need X10 to come up with a way for me to fix this, and once again be able to successfully connect to the main WiFi network in my home.  Come on, please.


For the X10 App, apparently the X10 App is hacking around (overriding) the device's settings, and not properly restoring them when the CM100 install is completed.   It also leaves the device in a state where the user can't manually restore those settings back.   That's bad.  Very bad.   

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Re: Totally screwed up my phone's WiFi -- HELP
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2018, 06:23:10 AM »

I've been trying to wrap my mind around this one B:( But I think I'm still partially asleep. ::) :'
Have you tried going to your wifi settings and forgetting the problem connection? That should remove anything that may have been changed with that setup. You should be able to then rediscover and set up the password which should keep it alive.
What brand Phone and android version is it?
Newer Phones tend to be a bit finicky ( my experience ) with different settings, these tend to get worked out over time with updates.
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Re: Totally screwed up my phone's WiFi -- HELP
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2018, 06:44:31 AM »

Yep, I tried "forgetting" my main network.    One of the many things I tried, more than once, before simply giving up and uninstalling.

Its a Motorola Droid Mini.  Android 4.2.2 (so, not all that new).

I can make a lot of potential guesses on the cause.   What I don't know, is how does the X10 App initially connects to the CM100?   On very first power-up, the CM100 doesn't know my network name, nor its password.   So, it can't directly connect to my network, at least not initially.   One my of guesses is that the X10 App drops the connection to my network, directly connects to the CM100, and passes onto the CM100 the required configuration info which includes network name and password.   After the X10 App gets the CM100 up and running (connected on its own to my network), the X10 App reestablishes the device's (my phone's) own network connection.   

If that is even partially true, then the bug is in how the X10 App reestablishes the connection.   It isn't saving/restoring all the settings quite correctly.   And like with the Sleep Timeout, locks/blocks the user (me!) from changing any of those bad settings.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 06:48:22 AM by Walt2 »
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Re: Totally screwed up my phone's WiFi -- HELP
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2018, 06:57:34 AM »

Have you tried a reinstall of the app?
If that doesn't fix things try going to the apps setup and then  "enter the wifi setup wizard" and setting things up again from there.
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Re: Totally screwed up my phone's WiFi -- HELP
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2018, 07:09:10 AM »

Have you tried a reinstall of the app?
If that doesn't fix things try going to the apps setup and then  "enter the wifi setup wizard" and setting things up again from there.

There are two problems here, though related.

If I reinstall the X10 App, the one problem of the X10 App trying to always force my phone into using WiFi will still be there.   :(    True?   If so, why would I want to reinstall the X10 App until that is fixed?

Unlike with my WiFi-only tablets, my phone uses cellular data, 4G-LTE, 99% of the time.  Its rare, if ever, I enable WiFi and have my phone directly connect to my home network.    The only times I enable WiFi on my phone, are times like with this CM100 setup (the others are with other apps that require the two or more devices to be on the same local network, to communicate/work).

As I mentioned, I have uninstalled the X10 App, but the "bad stuff" remains.   Because of that, I am really reluctant to "enter the wifi setup wizard" ever again, since I am fairly sure, that's the cause; the very bad code.   Again, not until X10 informs me that they found the problem, and fixed it.

BTW, being one of the old time X10 beta testers (back with Mike C), if X10 wants to directly work with me on this, I would be glad to help.
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Re: Totally screwed up my phone's WiFi -- HELP
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2018, 07:28:32 AM »

If I reinstall the X10 App, the one problem of the X10 App trying to always force my phone into using WiFi will still be there.   :(    True?   If so, why would I want to reinstall the X10 App until that is fixed?
True the issue with switch to wifi would still be there that is by design, however once you left your house your phone should switch back to 4G-LTE. Did you test to see if it did that?

As I mentioned, I have uninstalled the X10 App, but the "bad stuff" remains.   Because of that, I am really reluctant to "enter the wifi setup wizard" ever again, since I am fairly sure, that's the cause; the very bad code.   Again, not until X10 informs me that they found the problem, and fixed it.
if the bad stuff still remains what can a reinstall hurt?
I've forwarded your issues to Authinx and they have fired of an email to the developer on this.
Your issues are the first time they've heard of any issues like this.
They are as stumped as you and I are on this.
I also mentioned your willingnest to work directly with them on this.
Saddly I don't expect them to get a reply back from the developer till early Monday now.

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Re: Totally screwed up my phone's WiFi -- HELP
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2018, 07:54:31 AM »

True the issue with switch to wifi would still be there that is by design, however once you left your house your phone should switch back to 4G-LTE. Did you test to see if it did that?

Last night, I was home and stayed home. 

Once I leave the house and get far enough away, the WiFi connection to my home's network will obviously be dropped.   However, wouldn't the X10 App want o keep the WiFi 'on'?   

WiFi on my phone really drains the battery quickly.   That's why I like to leave it 'off' as much as possible.   Since the X10 App insists that the WiFi remain 'on', once I leave my house, the WiFi will be constantly searching for my home network, and that drains the battery even faster.   That's why I am reluctant to re-installed the X10 App.   Like I said, this is secondary problem, but still a problem I rather not have.

Couldn't X10 add a X10 App Setup option to say, basically, hay, I'll take care of own network connections.   Just assume that you will be able to talk with the CM100, and leave it to me for that to be either WiFi or Cellular Data.     

if the bad stuff still remains what can a reinstall hurt?

After I posted previously, it dawned on me, that I can never really run the X10 App's WiFi Setup Wizard ever again.   Remember, my main bug is that I can't stay connected to my main WiFi network anymore.   I think you need a working WiFi network connection to run the Setup Wizard, true?    And honestly, I am not going to sacrifice my Guest network connection fearing that I would afterward loose it too.
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Re: Totally screwed up my phone's WiFi -- HELP
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2018, 08:52:07 AM »

Boy, this sure is a strange problem. I've never heard of anything remotely like this, so I really have no other suggestions for you.
If the device is rooted, you may be able to find a utility to clean out any traces of the old app, and/or completely reset your WiFi settings - although you should have to do anything nearly as drastic when you uninstall an app. I know there are (root) tools out there that can override app permissions - and should (in theory) prevent the X10 app from being able to turn your WiFi back on. But I don't know if that's an option for you - or if the app would work in that case at all.

I agree about the automatic WiFi issue. The app should have a setting to *not* force WiFi on. I know that if I turn my phone's Wifi off, opening the app back up would turn it back on. But I didn't play around with it enough to see if WiFi would come back on by itself with the app closed. Perhaps it has something to do with the old version of Android - and the way it handled WiFi settings? Is it possible that something else on your phone *also* interacts with Wifi, and the X10 app somehow broke *that*?

Have you tried changing your main WiFi password, to see if you could get the phone to connect back to it again? I agree with your desire to not mess with your guest WiFi - is there any other WiFi network that you could connect to in order to test? Do you have a spare router on which you could set up a test WiFi, to see if you could affect the behavior at all?
« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 08:54:00 AM by Noam »


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Re: Totally screwed up my phone's WiFi -- HELP
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2018, 09:20:30 AM »

Once I leave the house and get far enough away, the WiFi connection to my home's network will obviously be dropped.   However, wouldn't the X10 App want o keep the WiFi 'on'?   
no the app is designed to connect using your Wi-Fi if available.
if not it tries to connect to your external IP by what ever means available.(cell or another (totally different) Wi-Fi hot spot)
Couldn't X10 add a X10 App Setup option to say, basically, hay, I'll take care of own network connections.   Just assume that you will be able to talk with the CM100, and leave it to me for that to be either WiFi or Cellular Data.     
others have asked for that as well, I even asked for the ability to specify IP and Port during testing
After I posted previously, it dawned on me, that I can never really run the X10 App's WiFi Setup Wizard ever again.   Remember, my main bug is that I can't stay connected to my main WiFi network anymore.   I think you need a working WiFi network connection to run the Setup Wizard, true?    And honestly, I am not going to sacrifice my Guest network connection fearing that I would afterward loose it too.
I understand you not wanting to sacrifice your guest network but you stated you can connect to your main network for a while before it disconnects. Not sure if it will stay up long enough for a connection but you specify what network to connect to.
I'd suggest forgetting the guest wifi so there is no chance of it even being seen by the app.
Since the app only sees the wifi your currently connected to during setup you wouldn't have to worry about the guest account being picked up during setup.
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Re: Totally screwed up my phone's WiFi -- HELP
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2018, 09:36:57 AM »

Its a Motorola Droid Mini.  Android 4.2.2 (so, not all that new).
I have two Droid Minis doing nothing but Harmony Hub control. As soon as I saw this post I loaded WM100 on one.

I have no problems so far. Phone is running Android 4.4.4.

I turned phone WiFi off and it stayed off, X10 App just showed "Disconnected" in lower right corner. Re-booted phone and WiFi remained off. One note however; since I do not use the Droid Mini as a phone anymore, I keep it in Airplane mode. So I have to manually turn WiFi and Bluetooth  back on after a reboot. I turned Airplane mode off, rebooted and and WiFi remained off until I turned back on. When on, it had no problem connecting to home network.

You might have other apps in conflict OR try up dating to Android 4.4.4

I doubt X10 will be able to fix, I think the problem is local to your setup.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 09:41:25 AM by dave w »
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Re: Totally screwed up my phone's WiFi -- HELP
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2018, 10:23:40 AM »

Not sure if it will stay up long enough for a connection but you specify what network to connect to.

It connects, but in less than a minute, it disconnects on its own (and with that, seems to forget the password).   I don't think that enough time to do a "virgin" new CM100 install.
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Re: Totally screwed up my phone's WiFi -- HELP
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2018, 10:26:59 AM »

I have two Droid Minis doing nothing but Harmony Hub control. As soon as I saw this post I loaded WM100 on one.

I have no problems so far. Phone is running Android 4.4.4.

When you "loaded", was it connecting to a new CM100, or to an existing CM100?

As I posted above, my speculation is the root (no pun) problem is in the new CM100 install for the first time, code.

BTW, much much thanks for taking the time to check this out with one of your Droid Minis.   :)
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Re: Totally screwed up my phone's WiFi -- HELP
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2018, 11:43:55 AM »

Not sure if it will stay up long enough for a connection but you specify what network to connect to.

It connects, but in less than a minute, it disconnects on its own (and with that, seems to forget the password).   I don't think that enough time to do a "virgin" new CM100 install.
you'd be connecting to an existing hub (WM100 not CM) it should be a faster connect.
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