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Would you like to be able to create two devices, each using the same house/unit code?


Author Topic: Ext Macro Support: Allow two devices with same house/unit code  (Read 6794 times)


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Ext Macro Support: Allow two devices with same house/unit code
« on: January 26, 2018, 08:20:25 AM »

To allow support of external Macros (like CM15A's Macros) correctly, you need to be able to set up two devices for each house/unit code.  One for the 'on' macro and one for the 'off' macro.  Currently, the X10 App tries to be fancy, and will not allow you to create a second device.

Let me add, this is closely related to another Wish List item here, Seperate Off / On Button

For example, let's say I have an A5 'on' macro that turns 'on' the front door light and the front foyer light, and later turns them both 'off' 10 minutes later.   I also have a separate A5 'off' macro that turns 'on' the side door light and the side mudroom light, and later turns them both 'off' 10 minutes later.

In the X10 App/CM100, I need to be able to create two devices.   An A5 'on' device, and an A5 'off' device.   Plus, for the first, I need to be able to do multiple on's in a row, with never doing an off.  For the second, I need to be able to do multiple off's in a row, with never doing an on.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 08:28:33 AM by Walt2 »
* Sears Home Control System, Radio Shack Plug 'n Power, NuTone, Stanley LightMaker, BSR, HomeLink.
* Tecmar Device Master, CP290 (LightHouse), CM11A (AH), CM14A (AH2), CM15A (AHPro).


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Re: Ext Macro Support: Allow two devices with same house/unit code
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2018, 09:37:25 AM »

This wish was included in the last requests sent to the developer before the Apps release ( or it was to have been)
It was decided to just  work out the bugs for a faster release.
we may see this as one of the early adds ::) :'
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Re: Ext Macro Support: Allow two devices with same house/unit code
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2018, 05:03:13 PM »

OR.... increase the device "name" to more spaces.
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Re: Ext Macro Support: Allow two devices with same house/unit code
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2019, 07:08:39 PM »

Better: Have a ON and OFF icon for each device which would be high lighted by the last command seen by the X10 WiFi.

This is handy for another reason (besides macros). If someone turns on a light manually that I want to turn off with the app, I have to turn it "ON" first in order to then send an "OFF" code. I also have a wall socket module that's "sticky", and I have to send repeated "ON"'s sometimes.

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