Hello, I am a long-time user of x10 modules, but have recently begun integrating an Amazon 'dot' alexa device into my x10
environment via ha-bridge and am having problems that I hope someone in this group can help me to resolve.
Current configuration: x10 commander on Windows 10 PC >>> CM19a >>> TM751, etc.
Planned configuration: Alexa dot >>> WiFi >>> ha-bridge >>> x10 commander >>> CM19a >>> TM751, etc.
X10 commander is running on my Windows 10 PC, and it can successfully control my x10 modules such as TM751 via the USB interfaced CM19a.
I am now trying to use ha-bridge-5.1.0.jar to interface the alexa dot to x10 commander, and can't seem to define a bridge device correctly.
The commnd strings
xxx.xxx.x.xxx:8086/?x10command=DEVICE~sendrf~%22A1%20ON%22%27 and
work correctly when pasted into a web browser, controlling the TM751 On and Off, respectively.
ha-bridge appears to start correctly under java 8, and I can successfully access its configuration
tool at localhost:8091 and can create bridge devices, such as:
Name = test-lamp
Device Type = custom
On items.target item = xxx.xxx.x.xxx:8086/?x10command=DEVICE~sendrf~%22A1%20ON%22%27
On items.Http Verb = GET
Off items.target item = xxx.xxx.x.xxx:8086/?x10command=DEVICE~sendrf~%22A1%20OFF%22%27
Off items.Http Verb = GET
The 'add bridge device' works and the new bridge device is listed as:
Then, the alexa app on my cell phone successfully 'discovers' the new device ...
However, the 'Test On' and 'Test Off' buttons in ha-bridge both fail, with a message like:
Request Error. Please look in your habridge log: error {"type"."3","address":"/lights/1","description"."Could not find url.","method_name":"/lights/1"}
My assumption is that I am somehow incorrectly configuring the bridge device, but I have tried a lot of variations with no
success, and am now hoping that someone in this forum might be able to help me identify and fix the error.
Thanks, Bruce Crozier