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Author Topic: Updating wifi router connection information basically requires delete/reinstall  (Read 3525 times)


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Ok, let me start with the fact I'm somewhat tech challenged, but here's what happened:

I live in a rural area with no neighbors so I've always had an open wifi network...I just recently decided to go with a bit of security and changed to needing a password to connect to my router.

Well, when I set up the WM100, I just hit the spacebar for password (this was before the update to allow no password) and set it up just fine. When I decided to add security to my network, I needed to update the WM100 and app to connect to the router. I was not able to do so.

I had to basically uninstall the app and reinstall and reset the WM100 too. Now, I admit that I may have been premature in resetting the Willy, although I did try and re-sync to the new load of the app to get the devices/timers stored (I thought) on the WM100 unsuccessfully. But basically, just to change how I connect to the router, I had to redo everything.

Bug? Or am I just an idiot?


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I don't think you're an idiot.

Don't know that I was call this a bug, as much as I would refer to it as "a needed feature not foreseen in the planning stages".
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... Well, when I set up the WM100, I just hit the spacebar for password...... When I decided to add security to my network, I needed to update the WM100 and app to connect to the router. I was not able to do so.

I had to basically uninstall the app and reinstall and reset the WM100 too....... I had to redo everything.

That all sounds pretty normal to me. I've done plenty of re-loading and starting over with various projects. I find it's almost impossible to guess what will be optimal... at some future point. I don't think I'd call that a bug either. At some future point... a new router may require a yet stronger passwords (like the inclusion of wingdings).... and you'll be reloading once again.   
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I did not have to reload anything when I added the same security to both phones and three laptops, just the app. It would be nice to be able to make those changes inside the app and not have to uninstall and reinstall... And, I guess the part that seems buggy was the fact that the WM100 did not have any devices or timers in it when I tried to sync. It said devices to sync - 0 and timers to sync - 0 etc. I thought that if you rebooted either the phone or the WM100, the other supposedly kept the data to be synced...
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