How did you install AppDaemon when installing HADashboard. Doesn't look like its for the faint hearted but the results are very impressive. I believe HADashboard is not really suitable for use outside of the home. I'm looking forward to giving it a go.
I followed the instructions I linked to in my prior post. very first step said refer to the AppDaemon install at I had installed HA using the manual HA install on a raspberry pi here which uses the virtual environment method installed AppDaemon using the pip method. I followed all the steps but I did skip the optional steps. Just wanted to see if I could get it running first. Then I could always revisit the optional steps I skipped. Basically I copied the sample config file entering my info and skipped down past the test app to the Running section for PIP3. I saw what they say I should see when starting it so I moved down to the instructions for starting at reboot. I then went back to setting up my first test dashboard.
I also added the disable_apps: directive since I wasn't worried about running apps right now and hadashboard didn't need it.
Here is my appdaemon.yaml file. I removed the secret stuff because I didn't use the secrets.yaml. I put my url and key directly in the file for simplicity. I may change that later.
pi@RPi3bplus-HA:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant $ cat conf/appdaemon.yaml
threads: 10
disable_apps: 1
type: hass
ha_key: redacted
access_file: /var/log/dash_access