You're certainly making progress on that one. At the rate you're progressing you'll have it cracked shortly. That'll be a shot in the arm for the WM100 makers.
I've taken this just about as far as I can. I have the data patterns for all house and unit codes as well as all the command codes the WM100 can issue. What I haven't pursued exhaustively are the pre-set dim codes.
Essentially a transmission is a continuous string of 30 bits comprised of 3 words of 10 bits. Data is the middle 8 bits of each 10 bit word:
Word 1: 00101010101 (Always this pattern for transmit - 55 hex - Receive starts with DD hex)
Word 2: 0UUUUHHHH1 (UUUU is the unit code, HHHH is the house code per TW523 spec)
Word 3: 0CCCCBBBB1 (CCCC is the command code, BBBB is brightness added for pre-set dim commands - normally 0's)
CCCC is defined as:
1000 - ON
0100 - OFF
1110 - ALL OFF
1101 - Bright step
0011 - Dim step
The data rate was about 100uS per bit - maybe 9600 baud. (I didn't record the voltage levels.)