Given X10's failure with the WM100 one has to wonder just how much longer they will stay in business.
It's hard to guess at such things like longevity. But producing
ANY successful product is difficult and a real challenge to any business. Even Microsoft and Apple has had their failures.
Considering their control, or lack of, over the manufacturer / developer, Trump will outlast Authinx. 
Statistically... he has over 6 years. I wonder if (Obama's
reconfigured) General Motors will still be here that long?
I hope this time, they will leave behind to their loyal community all the source code to the CM15A and the WM100, so we can continue to support ourselves. 
Looking at your tag line (below)....
* Sears Home Control System, Radio Shack Plug 'n Power, NuTone, Stanley LightMaker, BSR, HomeLink.
* Tecmar Device Master, CP290 (LightHouse), CM11A (AH), CM14A (AH2), CM15A (AHPro).It would appear that you... as well as most of us... should have become accustomed to seeing businesses come and go. But many of the posts I am reading here at the forums anymore causes me to wonder about just how "loyal" the community is [dangling participial?].
I am of the belief that this is all working out for the best... or at lease for the better. The old Zenith Space Control TV "clicker" (which actually DID click)… was wonderful technology
in it's day. And in the 70's...
and for many years afterwards X10 push button remote control and finally Smart Home Automation... was awesome. X10 exploited what technologies were available as well as cheap Chinese labor... and found a niche market.
But there has been an explosion of modern innovation associated with Home Automation. And X10's
loyal community… is now a "niche of a niche". I wonder if there could possibility be enough X10's to support any product line of any kind.
The only reason the forum remained was it was copied and stored without permission... to be restored later. Maybe...
the community should seek permission this time.... and make regular updated forum and software back-ups.