This is interesting.... So I used a carpet cleaner over the weekend an placed a metal frame (coated with paint) small dining room table about 3 feet from a DS-10A door sensor which is about 8 feet away from the second console and 12 feet from the primary console. The table was not right in front of the sensor, but in the line of signal fire. I was opening and closing the doors in combination with using the A/C to dry things out and I noticed the main console would show the door zone as open, but the second console would not several times.
When I started to open and close that zone many times to test it, the main console picked up the commands while the secondary one would get 1 out of 10. When I moved the table back to it's home location which is out of the line of both consoles and the door sensor, they registered the open/close commands every time.
Anyone else experience this with objects that are not totally solid interfering with signals to your security consoles?