Are we going to include those who are running HG on the Mac, in Ubuntu, Linux Mint etc etc. The list is endless. And of course support those who are running HA Bridge on those platforms too.
If is user running those systems are going to move the PiX10Hub I'm all for it.
I certainly am not going to ask what OS a user is running HG on for every question asked.
This was supposed to be an integrated and seamless approach.
This still is and if a user can port over their setup from another OS it is even more seamless
Once you open up to these non integrated platforms it's just a simple cut and paste install from the website.
That was and still is there however the number of users that had issues with that are still there.
This takes all the work of that away and reduces the possibility of failure to next to nothing.
This is in no way stops someone from moving away from the PiX10Hub I'm confident users will stick with what we have created.
The parameters laid out from the start and the focus of this project was a Pi X10 Hub on the Raspberry Pi Zero W with a CM15 X10 controller using a combination of HomeGenie and Ha Bridge. That was clearly agreed. If that approach has changed I wasn't aware of it. I am now though.
I'm not sure how that this thread affects that. The Goal was to make this as easy for a newbie to grasp as possible But if your afraid of me posting the HG layout of the PiX10Hub will discourage users from moving to it, it makes me and many others wonder Why? Is it you feel this isn't what X10users actually want or are looking for?
I'm confident enough that what we put together is what they want and have been looking for, for some time now.
However I'll not post the HG X10 layout templet that, the macro and timer samples in it. Users will have to wait till they load the image for it.
Just for the record there is some wonderful how to information out there on HG contrary to what the OP has stated. The old homegenie forum and the Homegenie.Club and Genes extensive documentation on the website and numerous how to videos on YouTube to mention but a few.
Actually the statement was not that there is no info but
There is a lot of documentation around on some of this stuff, but it seems a bit scattered and I'm unfortunately trying to speed thru the setup.....