I'm excited at the prospect of moving Alexa-enabled X10 control onto a Raspberry Pi. I've always felt that running a PC server 24/7 to control lights was overkill.
When I saw that Tuicemen was working on this I was really hopeful that, at last, I'd be able to power down the PC. I started out with running the image on a Pi Zero W. I found that the lag time was bad and frequently required sending control commands 2 or 3 times. The Pi Zero is within 10 feet of the wireless router, and my X10 service panel has a XTB-IIR installed. The reliability of the PC controls is pretty darn near 100%.
Anyway, I found the Zero based system was, perhaps, under-powered so tried to install the individual componenets onto a Pi 3 B+, hardwired into the network. HomeGenie worked great with signal processing very close to the PC based system.
I could never get the Alexa voice integration working with HA-Bridge, however. This is absolutely necessary to maintain an acceptable WAF rating!
I'm back onto the PC based system, but am not giving up on a Raspberry Pi solution. I'm not at all versed in Linux, so that is hampering my effort.
I hope others who are more knowledgeable in working with these systems won't give up either!
Thank you!