This past year Ive had some connection issues at both my places. In the city my IP (cable) rarely changes usually once a year if that. Usualy not a big deal as i have a couple IP cameras that email me the updated IP. With this info I can fix my links however doing this has become more frequent.
My off grid place uses DSL so it changes more often. I was using noip dns at the off grid place requiring me to update every month by loging in and confirming I still use the service. Even this I didnt mind doing however now for some reason as soon as I do this I lose internet conection to the noip address. I have IP cameas that use to detect this and update things but this has stopped working to.
Solution: Duck DNS, also free and allows up to 5 locations per user.
Setup is a breeze set up an account at https// then log in and tell it what name you wish for your DNS and the web site will post exactly what to put into a cron job for 5 min auto updating. It is as simple as cutting and pasting ( all your info is displayed no typing required) other then ssh into your pi with your password.
Duckdns also has a http and https method of doing this which can be use to simply check the DNS status. Using the http string I plan to create a HG status widget that can display my DNS current status.